Add Banner Rotator Block To Forum Sidebar
THIS TEMPLATE EDIT BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ![]() First if you plan on using this hack you must download & install y2Ksw's Banner Rotator hack found here: Rotating Banner System. This little mod is ONLY for use with that hack. CLICK INSTALLED TO GET SUPPORT FOR THIS ADD-ON. IF YOU DO NOT CLICK INSTALLED I CANNOT HELP YOU. Steps to create a Forum Block for the banner rotator: 1. Login to your admincp panel. 2. Scroll down until you see "Forums & Moderators" under that you will see "Forum Blocks Manager" click it to open the manger. 3. Click the "Add Block" button. 4. On the next page you will need to select the block type. You should select "Custom HTML/PHP" and then click the "Continue" button. 5. In the field where it says Title place what you want the block to be called. This will show on your forum so make sure you have the name you want to show at the top of your block. 6. In the "Description" field you can place a description if you want or you can leave it blank. 7. Under "Block Config" tick the HTML box. 8. In the content box place your banner code. If you are using vBSEO you would use code that looks similar to this: Code:
<div align="center">@vbbanners:4@</div><br /> <div align="center">@vbbanners:5@</div><br /> <div align="center">@vbbanners:6@</div><br /> <div align="center">@vbbanners:7@</div><br /> <div align="center">@vbbanners:8@</div><br /> <div align="center">@vbbanners:9@</div> Code:
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:4@--></div><br /> <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:5@--></div><br /> <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:6@--></div><br /> <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:7@--></div><br /> <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:8@--></div><br /> <div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:9@--></div> 9. Now click the "Save" button and view your block. You should see the block in your forums now if you have enabled the forum sidebar. FAQ: Q: Why can't I edit the Forum Blocks, it tells me I do not have permissions to do so? A: You need to check that you have full admin rights to edit the blocks. Your admin id number MUST be listed in the config file. Find your ID number and then make sure that its listed as a Super Administrator in your config file. Q: How do I enable the Forum Sidebar? A: Make sure you are logged in to your forum admincp panel and then go under "Settings" then click "Options". Now look for "Forum Sidebar And Block Options" in the drop down and select it. At the top tick yes to enable the sidebar and then click the "Save" button. Q: My banners are not showing, why? A: Check your banner rotator settings again and make they are correct. Also if you have vBSEO installed make sure that you are using the code for vBSEO. The regular code will not work with vBSEO. If you have any problems or questions ask them I'll do my best to answer them. Download No files for download. |
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