Advanced Voicetool Viewer (Teamspeak 2, Teamspeak 3, Ventrilo viewer)
This is a more advanced version of my old tsxviewer plugin. It was written from scratch and offers a lot more features! It displays a list of users connected to a voicetool like Teamspeak 2, Teamspeak 3 or Ventrilo and displays them on the Forumhome page inside the what's going on box, or anywhere else! Templates allow you to fully customize the viewer, which can display unlimited amounts of viewers for your voicetool servers! Keep track your server's uptime with the cron logger, which logs every time a server times out or comes back online! *** Despite the product description saying mumble is supported, it is NOT. Sorry for any confusion *** FEATURES - Multiple Server Viewers on a single page - Fully customizable Templates - Query caching - Server Uptime Logging - No iFrames! Fits perfectly into vbulletn. Make search engines love you! INSTALLATION Extract the archive and upload the files according to their structure: Code:
- forum root - admincp + tsxview_admin.php - includes - cron + tsxview_cron.php - xml + cpnav_advancedvoicetoolviewer.xml + tsxview_class.php + ts2status.php + ts3status.php + ventstatus.php - images - cms + delete_small.png + edit_small.png + permission-not-set_small.png + permission-set_small.png - misc + mumble.gif + teamspeak2.gif + teamspeak3.gif + ventrilo.gif + ts3_off.png (optional) + ts3_on.png (optional) If you have any previous tsxviewer product installed prior to 1.3, uninstall it first! (Important!) READ THE INCLUDED README FILE BEFORE INSTALLING THE PLUGIN! (srsly, spare you the headache!) Download (58.3 KB, 846 downloads) Screenshots |
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