Hypster.com Mp3 Player for Member profile
Remember to press install and rate.
So this mod was inspired by TimberFloorAu Play list mod but, based on stangger5 code. Since the playlist.com method no longer works and mixpod is only video's, i'd thought i'd re-write this mod to work with Hypster.com playlist. I take no credit on the original mod and base work, all i did was update and a little re-write to work with hypster. If you use this please click install. Ok enough oh the jibber jabber and get into it. I have redone this mod on vb3.8.4 and have not tested on any other versions. _____________________________________________________ First create 4 profile fields. ---First one is for your Hypster id example: http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0 so the ID is "1712184:1697073:0" ---Second one is for Hypster Shuffle Default off ---Third is for Hypster Autoplay Turn auto play on or off --- forth Hypster Color Pick your player color, default is gray. ________________________________________________________________________ admin >> User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field 1)Single-Line Text Box Title: Hypster Id Description: Go to embed player, and look for line http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0. You just want "1712184:1697073:0" Private Field: Yes Field Searchable on Members List: NO Show on Members List: NO Then Save.. *** Remember the Field number.. Lets say the field number is 20 you will need to change the a in $userinfo[fielda] to 20 like this to $userinfo[field20] ________________________________________________________________________ Create another Profile Field,, 2)Single Selection Menu Title: Hypster Shuffle Description: Turn shuffle on and off. Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options ) 0 1 Private Field: Yes Field Searchable on Members List: NO Show on Members List: NO Then Save.. *** Remember the Field number.. Lets say the field number is 21 you will need to change the a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 21 like this to $userinfo[field21] ________________________________________________________________________ Create another Profile Field,, 3)Single Selection Menu Title: Hypster Autoplay Description: Turn auto play on and off. Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options ) false true Private Field: Yes Field Searchable on Members List: NO Show on Members List: NO Then Save.. *** Remember the Field number.. Lets say the field number is 22 you will need to change the a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 22 like this to $userinfo[field22] ________________________________________________________________________ Create another Profile Field,, 4)Single Selection Menu Title: Hypster Color Description: Select the color you want Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options ) gray purple blue green red pink yellow Private Field: Yes Field Searchable on Members List: NO Show on Members List: NO Then Save.. *** Remember the Field number.. Lets say the field number is 23 you will need to change the a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 23 like this to $userinfo[field23] ________________________________________________________________________ Import the plugin.. admin >> Plugins & Products >> [Add/Import Product] and import playlist-member-profile.xml file. ________________________________________________________________________ Edit five templates. 1)admincp >> Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> memberinfo_block_playlist Find two $userinfo[fieldA] & $userinfo[fieldB] and change them to the Playlist ID field number.. Find one $userinfo[fieldC] and change the C to the shuffle field number.. Find one $userinfo[fieldD] and change the D to the Auto Play feild number Fine one $userinfo[fieldE] and change the E to the Color feild number Mine is, 17 17 18 19 20 What it should look like: Code:
<div align="center"> <!-- Hypster Playlist --> <if condition="$bbuserinfo[field17]"> <div id="playlist" class="tborder content_block"> <h4 class="thead block_title"> <a href="#top" class="collapse_gadget" onclick="return toggle_collapse('playlist')"><img id="collapseimg_playlist" src="images/buttons/collapse_generic.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a name="albums"></a> <span class="block_name">Hypster Playlist</span> </h4> <div class="block_content" id="collapseobj_playlist" style=""> <div class="alt2 block_row block_footer"> <embed quality="high" style="width:400px;visibility:visible; height:300px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="300" width="400" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" border="0" src="http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=$userinfo[field17]$userinfo[field20]&autoplay=$userinfo[field18]&color_scheme=$userinfo[field19]" /> </div> </div> </div> </if> <!-- / Hypster playlist --> </div> 2)Edit: Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> MEMBERINFO Look for,, $blocks[stats_mini] $template_hook[profile_right_mini] $blocks[friends_mini] $blocks[albums] $template_hook[profile_right_album] $blocks[groups] $blocks[visitors] Put $blocks[playlist] anywhere in there.. I have mine after $blocks[friends_mini].. Like this,, $blocks[stats_mini] $template_hook[profile_right_mini] $blocks[friends_mini] $blocks[playlist] $blocks[albums] $template_hook[profile_right_album] $blocks[groups] $blocks[visitors] ________________________________________________________________________ Go to http://www.hypster.com and log into your account. Get the embed code, and look for a line called http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0. You just want "1712184:1697073:0" To edit your Playlist fields.. USERCP >> Edit Your Details >> ________________________________________________________________________ I did a rewrite of this mod since all the others are dead, outdated and just don't work. I found hypster and adapted the code to it, i will be doing a update for the custom player colors just not at this moment. I have to give credit to the originally coder of this, i used the older version till the site's updated. Thanks for a easy base to work off of. I take no credit for the original mod, just the update to make it work with hypster. ______________________________________________________ ===Original credits=== HAVE FUN. This code has been adapted from stannger5 YouTube Code, please give credit where credit is due to Stangger5 stangger5 http://www.next-level-arcade.com/ His code is awesome, all I have done is reconfigure for others to enjoy. R+E+S+P+E+C+T Brought to you by British Expats Australia, http://www.yobromofo.com/forum. To Contact myself or Stangger5 or yobro Luggz > Timberfloorau > Stangger5 > ______________________________________ Hope this helps someone, luggz. Download
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