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Forum Keywords For AuctionAds
Mod Version: 1.1, by -=Sniper=-

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.6.7 Rating: (2 votes - 4.00 average) Installs: 16
Released: 27 Jun 2007 Last Update: 30 Jun 2007 Downloads: 118
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Is in Beta Stage  

1.1 - If you have 1.0 installed, uninstall it and install the new improved version.

You must have an AuctionAds account for this hack.

To lear more about AuctionAds and to sign up -

This hack allows you to choose different keywords for different forums, allowing you to display differen eBay ads on a forum by forum basis. SO, with this hack, every forum (and the threads in it) will display ads according to the keyword you set for that forum.


Step 1 (Upload the Files):
  • Upload the AdminCp and Includes folders to your server.
Step 2(Upload the Product):
  • Go to your AdminCP.
  • Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Click [Add/Import Product] -> Select the file 'product-auctionads.xml'.
  • Click 'Import'.
Step 3(Adjust Settings):
  • Go to your AdminCP.
  • Scroll down the list until you see the 'Forum Keywords for AuctionAds' options. Click that and then click 'Keyword Options'
  • Click Yes to activate the system
  • Set a default keyword
  • Choose a keyword(s) for each forum you chose and click the enable button for that forum. (if you dont choose a keyword, the default keyword you set earlier will be used)
Step 4(Add AuctionAds Code to Templates):
  • Get your AuctionAds code for the ad size you choose.
  • At the begining of that code add this line:
<if condition="$vbulletin->options['auctionads_onoff']">
  • And at the end of the code add this:
  • Find the line in the code: auctionads_ad_kw = "";
  • Replace that line with: auctionads_ad_kw = "$auctionads_keywords";
  • Now open your forumsidplay and showthread templates and insert the amended AuctionAds code wherever you want the ads to display. (one common placement is immediately after $navbar in the template code.
Your auctionAds code should look similar to this when you place it in your templates.

<if condition="$vbulletin->options['auctionads_onoff']">
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
auctionads_ad_client = "YOUR AUCTIONADS PUBLISHER ID";
auctionads_ad_campaign = "YOUR AUCTIONADS CAMPAIGN NUMBER";
auctionads_ad_width = "728";
auctionads_ad_height = "90";
auctionads_ad_kw = "$auctionads_keywords";
auctionads_color_border = "CFF8A3";
auctionads_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
auctionads_color_heading = "00A0E2";
auctionads_color_text = "000000";
auctionads_color_link = "008000";
<script type="text/javascript" src="">

This hack was created by for Visit the


This modification is archived, downloads are still allowed.

File Type: %1$s AuctionAds (30.4 KB, 87 downloads)


Click image for larger version
Name:	keywordauctionads.gif
Views:	262
Size:	17.0 KB
ID:	66299  

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