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How To Add Custom Profile Field Information To The Postbit
by peterska2 17 Jun 2006

So you've added some custom profile fields and would like the information to display in the postbit, but how do you go about it? This guide will help you to do this.

Throughout this guide the x in fieldx is to be replaced with the field number as shown in the profile field manager in the name column.

Single Line Text Boxes

To add the contents of a single line text box to the postbit, use one of the following formats:

To use a title for the displayed text (eg Real name: Kerry-Anne)
<if condition="$post[fieldx]"><div class="smallfont">Label for text: $post[fieldx]</div></if>
To simply display the text (eg Kerry-Anne)
Multiple Line Text Boxes

While I don't recommend displaying these in the postbit as they can contain a large amount of information, they are done in the exact same way as the single line text box.

Note: The text entered will display all on one line, not in multiple lines as added to the text box and displayed in the profile page.

Single Selection Radio Buttons & Single Selection Menus

These both display text in the same way as the Single Line Text Box so the same format can be applied to these. However, as these are mainly used for fixed options (eg Date of Birth, or Homepage contains adult content here at they can also be used to display images (eg the gender in postbit modification).

These examples, using images, assume that you have uploaded the images to your misc image directory for the style that you are using. You can replace
with the appropriate path to your images if different. They also assume that the file type of the images is gif. If this is different, you will need to alter it in the code by replacing
with the appropraite extension. Your image names need to be exactly the same as the profile field options, including capitalization.

To use the contents to display an image, with no label, use the following format:
<if condition="$post[fieldx]"><div><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/$post[fieldx].gif" border="0" alt="$post[fieldx]" /></div></if>
To show a label before the image, use the following format:
<if condition="$post[fieldx]"><div class="smallfont">Label for image: <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/$post[fieldx].gif" border="0" alt="$post[fieldx]" /></div></if>
Multiple Selection Menus and Checkboxes

I wouldn't recommend using these to display information in the postbit, as to enable them requires long usage of conditionals to translate the code saved in the database into displayable text.

I hope you find this useful. Feel free to ask any questions related to this. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024