Add eBay Image and Username to PostBit
This modification is in the archives.
Sup guys and Gals, this is my second template mod, I am not too experience, I just knew this could be done and I thought alot of people would like it. I am going to include the instrictions here and also in a zip file attached, this should work for all vB3 versions, It has only been tested with 3.0.3 but it will work for all other versions, I am not sure about 3.5 sorry. Well, here we go
First Thing --------------------- Go to your admin cp and make a 1 line profile field entitled eBay Username **Make sure you remember what field it is under. ( after you make it, out to the right of it it will say Field1, 2, 3, ect..( mine is Field9 ) After that is done go in your profile and enter your eBay username Second --------------------- In template postbit_legacy or postbit: Find Code:
<div>$post[icqicon] $post[aimicon] $post[msnicon] $post[yahooicon] After Add: Code:
<if condition="$post['fieldX']"> <a href="$userinfo[fieldX]" target="_blank"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/ebay.gif" alt="<phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[view_ebay_profile]</phrase>" border="0" /></a> </if> Third -------------- Upload the image attached to your skins folder/misc. Fourth and Final ------------------ Creat a new PHRASE Varname= view_ebay_profile Text in it= View users eBay profile ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I believe thats it, more than likely I missed something..just tell me if you have any problems I will be HAPPY to help you. Below are attached screenshot and eBay Image When everything is said and done, your ebay name will be in your postbit and when clicked it links to the persons feedback page Happy modding . Please remember to click install if you use this. p.s. I am sure there is a easier way to do this because there are TONS of different ways, this is just the wya I did it, make sure to tell me if you liked it Thanks ~Curt Download No files for download. Supporters / CoAuthors
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