The dreaded red x
I need help installing skins.
I have figured out how to upload through the admin control panel.. but it jsut does the forum colors.. not any of the buttons or anything- I keep getting the dreaded red x. I have a few quetions.. apparently I need to upload the images, buttons, smilies, etc to a server. But the smilies etc are exactly what come with the default skin...do i still need to reupload them? And also exactly where do I upload them? Do I use the admin control panel? Do I need to upload them with a FTP client to my server? If so. should I put them in a certain folder? Do they all go together- or in different areas. How does the file I upload in the admin control panel know how to "find" the images? I am worried I will put them in the wrong place. Obvioulsy I am very very new.. and need hand holding. If you are kind enough to respond with directions.. please be very explicit. Thanks So much, |