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Setting up a Test board.
by Brad 23 Oct 2002

Setting up a test board can save you tons of time and worry in the long run. It can be used to test hacks, new styles and other things you dont want to risk/show on your main board.

Do I need a second License to run a test board?

No, you can run as many installs you want as long as they are not publicly known. So if you own 1 license only ONE install can be acessed by the public. If you worried about the public finding your test board you can password-protect it with a .htaccess file. If you do not know how to make a .htaccess file you can use a handy tool made by filburt1, grab it (click .htaccess Generator)

Can my test forum share a Database with my main forum?

At the time of this writing no. vBulletin 2 dose not support table prefixes, verson 3 will.

- I only have one database, how can i add anthor one?

Settings will vary depending on your host, some host allow you to create new Databases via your sites control panel. If it dosent ask you host to make anthor one for you or install a test forum on your PC. (see below)

Can I run a test forum on my PC?

Yes, use TECK's How to guide found to install vbulletin on your pc, the advanges of this is that your test board will always be avaible to you, and if you have a 56k or slower connection it will take far less time to upgrade/maintain your test board.

Also check out filburt1's guide supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024