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Add new Users (automatically)
by Andreas 10 Jun 2005
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As this is a common request for integration purposes, I thought I should write up another HowTo

If you want to add a new user to the vBulletin database, you can use Class vB_Datamanager_User.
This Calss does make sure that everything is OK, it will also take care of the default registration options.

PHP Code:
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User'$vbulletinERRTYPE_ARRAY);
If there are errors (eMail not set, eMail banned, Username taken, etc.) you can check for errors using
PHP Code:
This is an array containing the errors.

If everything is OK
PHP Code:
$newuserid $newuser->save(); 
This will create a new User called phpNukeNuser (UserID returned in $newuserid).

You can also set many other info too:
  • membergroupids = comma-separated string of all additional usergroups (Default=Empty)
  • displaygroupid = ID of the usergroup this user should show up as (Default=0)
    Note that this must be set after usergroupid and membergroupids!
  • styleid = ID of the Style to be used by this user (Default=Board Default)
  • languageid = ID of the language to be used by this user (Default=Board Default)
  • threadedmode = Whether to use Flat (0), Hybrid (1) or Threaded (2) Display Mode
  • maxposts = Integer, how many posts should be shown on one Page (Default=Board Default)
  • ipaddress = String, IP-Adress of the User registering (Default=Empty)
  • refererid = String, Username or UserID of the User this user was refered by
  • parentemail = String. eMail-Address of the users Parents
  • daysprune = Integer, show threads from the last X days
  • startofweek = Integer, When does the week start (1=Sunday, 2=;onday, ...) (Default=Board Default)
  • timezoneoffset = Integer, spexifying the Timezone (-12 .. +12)
  • autosubscribe = Integer, defining default mode for Thread subscription
    -1 = no Subscription, 1 = Instant, 2 = Daily Digest, 3 = Weekly Digest
    (Default=Board Default)
  • homepage = String, URL of the users Homepage (Default=Empty)
  • icq = String, the Users ICQ # (Default=Empty)
  • aim = String, the Users AIM ID (Default=Empty)
  • yahoo = String, the Users Yahoo ID (Default=Empty)
  • MSN = String, the Users MSN ID (Default=Empty)
  • usertitle = String, the Usertitle this user should have
  • customtitle = Integer, defining behaviour of Usertitle. 0=No Custom Title, 1=Custom, Title with HTML, 2=Custom Title without HTML (Default=
  • birthday = array(month, day, year). The users birthdate.
  • avatarid = Integer, ID of the Avatar being used for this user
  • signature = String. The Users Signature
  • subfolders = Array. The Users Subscription Folders
  • pmfolders = Array. The Users Subscription Folders
  • buddylist = String. Space separated List of UserIDs defining the Users buddylist
  • ignorelist = String. Space separated List of UserIDs defining the Users ignorelist

Besides that, you can also set the options Bitfield (Receive Admin PMs, etc.)
PHP Code:
The available Options are
  • showsignatures = Show Signatures
  • showavatars = Show Avatars
  • showimages = Show Images, incl. attached Images and [img] BBCode
    If this is not set they will show up as links
  • coppauser = User is COPPA User
  • adminemail = Receive Admin eMails
  • showvcard = Allow vCard Download
  • dstauto = Automatically detect DST setting
  • dstonoff = DST turned On
  • showemail = Receive eMails from other Users
  • invisible = Be invisible
  • showreputation = Show Reputation
  • receivepm = PM turned on
  • emailonpm = eMail notification for new PMs

Value must be 0 or 1 (false or true), depending if you want to set the option or not.
If the Options are not set, the Default Registration Options/Board Default Options will be used.

Important Notice
It is assumed that you are using this code from 'within' vBulletin, eg with the vBulletin backend loaded.
If this is not the case, you must include smth. like the following code in global context:
PHP Code:
CWD '/includes/init.php'); 
Keep in mind that if you are using the a/m Datamanager-Code within a function or method you must global $vbulletin.

This How-To is (C) 2005 by KirbyDE and you are not allowed to redistribute it in any way without my explicit consent. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024