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Inferno Quiz v2.1
Mod Version: 2.1, by Zero Tolerance

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.0.7 Rating: (4 votes - 5.00 average) Installs: 142
Released: 30 Apr 2005 Last Update: 27 May 2005 Downloads: 189
Not Supported DB Changes  

Hey all, heres a system i decided to make for a couple of reasons, mainly because i had some spare time and had nothing better to do, but also because it will benefit my forums and probably yours too.

So, what is Inferno Quiz?
Basically it's a quiz system, allowing administrators to add quiz's and questions, and for users to take part in them, in generic anyway, but the full feature list is provided below.

Note: Support will only be given if you voted Inferno Quiz Hack Of The Month .... just kidding, but you know you wanna
  • Forum Features

    • View All Open Quiz's - Name/End Date/Take Quiz/View Stats
    • Confirmation Take Quiz Page (Also displays information on quiz time limit (if any)
    • Take Quiz Page - Shows all answer type formats + timer in window status bar (if time limit activated)
    • View stats shows all users who have participated in the quiz and an average score.
    • View user stats for a quiz, showing what a user answered for each question, and their overall score (user must have already taken part to view)
    • After taking part in a quiz, the results are PM'ed to you automatically giving all the details, scores and overall score.
  • Admin Features

    • Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz
      • Quiz Name
      • Quiz State (Open/Closed)
      • Usergroups Which Can Participate In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
      • Usergroups Which Can View User Results In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
      • Auto Close Quiz Option (Yes/No)
      • Quiz End Date (Only applies if auto close is set to Yes) [Day/Month/Year]
      • Quiz Time Limit (Specify a number of minutes a user has to complete the quiz - or 0 to disable the time limit)
      • Allow users who have finished the quiz to view the correct answers (Yes/No)
    • Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz Question
      • Select which quiz the question is for
      • Input Question
      • Answer Format Type
        • Single-Line Text Box
        • Answer (none-case sensitive)
        • Single-Selection Radio Buttons
        • Input all selectable answers
        • Answer (none-case sensitive)
        • Multiple-Selection Checkbox
        • Input all selectable answers
        • Input all correct answers
    • New Design ACP Confirmation Page
      • System Message
      • Available Actions (Shows several links to make administration faster for the quiz)
  • Installation Features

    • Fast easy installation
    • Includes uninstaller
    • Adds templates automatically to ALL styles
    • Only 2 file edits and 1 template edit required!

v1.1 Updates:
To upgrade, download the file again and follow the upgrade instructions provided
  • FireFox compatability for usergroup permissions in add/edit quiz
  • Score % rounded to full number (ie: 13.3333% becomes 13%)
  • Shows user in quiz on users online page

V2 Feature List: (in addition to the above ^)

Spoiler (click to open)

v2 Planned Feature List Updated:

Planned Features
  • Ability To Import/Export Quiz's Via ACP
    • The system will export data into .xml format, allowing distribution of the XML file to others to 'share' quiz's.
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Quiz Results Moderation
    • Ability to edit/delete any submissions from members. Upon modification - user is notified of this and is shown the new results.
    • Current Status: Completed
  • JS Detection
    • The system will attempt to detect if JS is activated before allowing a user to proceed to a timed quiz. (This will not be fool proof)
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Part-Answer System
    • Text input answers will allow you to enable/disable the part answer system, this is recommended for 'one' (1) word answers. An example would be:
      Users Answer: it is london
      Actual Answer: London
      With 'Part-Answer' enabled on that question, the answer would be correct. This will allow more fluxuation, and correct a lot of answers which are not 'exact' but 'correct'.
    • Current Status: Completed
  • User Quiz Submissions
    • You may specify which usergroups can submit their own quiz's
    • Administrators have to allow submissions before they show
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Quiz Descriptions
    • Displayed on the page before starting the quiz
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Improved Visualization Of Questions Control
    • To cut down on long page displays - the system adds a expand/collapse system into all the quiz's, upon expanding the corresponding questions for that quiz appear, and vice versa.
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics
    • Overall Leader Board - Shows top X users with best average score (Username,# Of Quiz's Taken,For Quiz)
    • Individual Leader Board - Shows top X users with the best score for a specific quiz (Username,Score,For Quiz)
    • Quiz link opens drop down menu with 3 links: Take Quiz/View Stats/View Leaderboard
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Use BBCode Within Quiz Questions
    • Enables admins to use bbcode formatting for quiz questions
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Quiz Categories
    • Create categorys to add Quiz's into
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Quiz Quick Moderation
    • Checkbox's next to all quiz's in acp to multi delete/change quiz status [open/close]
    • Current Status: Completed
  • Quiz Images Powered By Inferno Smart Upload System
    • Ability to upload an image for each quiz (optional)
      • Inferno Smart Upload System
      • The system will part by part attempt to upload your image, each step it takes you will be notified of any failed/successful operations
      • Checks Valid Image Extension
      • Checks Directory Exists To Upload
      • Attempts To Upload
      • If Failed -> Attempts to CHMOD leading directorys towards destination directory to 0777 Then Re-try's Upload
      • If Successful (Either Attempt) -> Attempts to CHMOD image to 0777
    • Current Status: Completed

- Zero Tolerance


v2.1 Update:
- " to " fixed
- ' Chokes add question in submit quiz fixed
- Quote's in allow submission resulted in DB error fixed
- Templates now only added to "master" styles (styles without parents) to stop duplication of un-required templates

Now for the previews, what everyone likes to see..


I guess that's all there is to say, apart from enjoy and post any comments below

- Zero Tolerance


This modification is archived and cannot be downloaded.

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