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[RESOURCE] Comprehensive List of Vbulletin Functions & Variables(last update 12-26-4)
by Michael Morris 25 Dec 2004

I've been meaning to do this for awhile, and I'm looking for input on this document. Anything other folks post will be appended to this master post and credit given.

This is a draft!
Therefore it's information may be incorrect or inaccurate.

Default values given are for version 3.0.3 and may be different for other versions.


This array contains all options for the boards set in the admincp>vboptions panel.

Element Name: templateversion
Default Value: 3.0.3

This is the version of your forums. As far as I know vbulletin checks this variable against the most recent version available when it "calls home" (which occurs each time you log into the admincp).

Element Name: attachfile
Default Value: 0
Value Range: Boolean

This variable determines if attached files are written to the database or written to the filesystem.

Element Name: attachpath
Default Value: /path/to/your/attachment/directory

This is the directory in which your attachments are stored if the variable $vboptions[attachfile] is set to true. If attachfile is false, this variable has no purpose.

Element Name: usefileavatar
Default Value: NULL
Value Range: Boolean

This variable determines whether the your site's custom avatars of your site are stored in the database or in the filesystem. If you give your users the ability to store their own avatars then this setting has no effect on those avatars - they will remain stored in the database (I think - check this)

Element Name: avatarpath
Default Value: ./customavatars

If $vboptions[usefileavatar] is set to true then this variable will contain the path to find the custom avatars.

Element Name: avatarurl
Default Value: customavatars

Purpose unknown

Element Name: divnotpara
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean?

Purpose unknown

Element Name: usebbcodeparserecurse
Default Value: 2
Value Range: ?

Purpose unknown

Element Name: fulltextsearch
Default Value: 0
Value Range: Boolean

Turns full text searching on or off?

Element Name: bbactive
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean

This variable turns the boards on or off. It is checked before PHPINCLUDE_START is parsed, so modifying it in PHP_INCLUDE start has no effect.

Element Name: bbclosedreason
Default Value: Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality.

This variable contains the text of the reason why you've closed your boards if you decide to give one when you turned them off.

Element Name: bbtitle
Default Value: See below

When you install the boards you'll be give the name to the system as part of the install process. This variable is in the <title> </title> tags of all your pages, though on the FORUMHOME template it is part of a phrase. Items in the title tages appear in the browser's title bar.

If you want a special title to appear under certain conditions you can modify this variable in PHPINCLUDE_START.

Element Name: bburl
Default Value: See below

You set this variable during the install when you tell the system the root URL of your boards. It contains the URL of the directory your board's index.php file resides in. You can specify index.php if you wish, but if you choose to change the name of the forumhome file (say, if you install a portal) to something other than index you could have problems.

Element Name: hometitle
Default Value: See below

You set this variable during the install when you tell the system the root URL of your boards. It contains the title of your site's overall name. This is particular important if this is different from the forum's name.

Element Name: homeurl
Default Value: See below

You set this variable during the install when you tell the system the root URL of your boards. It contains the URL of your homepage. This is particularly important if it is different from your forums.

Element Name: contactuslink
Default Value: sendmessage.php

This is the link given in the "contact us" link of the footer. By default this is the sendmessage.php file of vbulletin.

Element Name: contactusoptions
Default Value: Site Feedback Registration Problem

The options the user will have when using the sendmessage.php script. The script uses this variable to determine what it will present.

Element Name: webmasteremail
Default Value: webmaster@ (your site's root)

The email address used by sendmessage.php.

Element Name: privacyurl
Default Value:

URL of your site's privacy policy.

Element Name: copyrighttext
Default Value:

The copyright for your boards. This will appear alongside the Jelsoft copyright in the footer.

Element Name: companyname
Default Value:

Name of the company that owns the site.

Element Name: faxnumber
Default Value:

The fax number for the COPPA forms.

Element Name: address
Default Value:

Snail Mail address for the owners of the forum.

Element Name: keywords
Default Value: vbulletin,forum,bbs,discussion,jelsoft,bulletin board

These are the META keywords included for all your pages to describe your site to web crawlers such as Google. Because of abuse by unscrupulous site admins very few search engines pay attention to these anymore, but they don't hurt either.

Element Name: description
Default Value: This is a discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To find out about vBulletin, go to

This the meta-page description displayed by some crawlers in their results. Like other meta tags their usefulness has been reduced by abuse.

Element Name: useforumjump
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean

This switch determines whether the forum jump menu is used.

Element Name: pagenavpages
Default Value: 3
Value Range: Integer

This element determines how many pages before and after the current page are displayed on the forumdisplay pages.

Element Name: enableaccess
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean?

Not sure what this does.

Element Name: showimicons
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean

Determines whether the IM icons (yahoo, msn, aim and icq) are shown.

Element Name: addtemplatename
Default Value:
Value Range:

Unknown purpose.

Element Name: usestrikesystem
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean

Determines whether users will have a limited number of changes to log in before being forced to wait 5 minutes.

Element Name: yestoday
Default Value: 1
Value Range: Boolean

When set to true (1) this switch makes dates appear in the format "Today, time" when the post time is indeed today.

Element Name: timeoffset
Default Value: 0
Value Range: integer

This is the time offset for the server's clock off of GMT time. This element also appears in bbuserinfo as a personal setting for their timeoffset from GMT

Element Name: dstonoff
Default Value: 0
Value Range: Boolean

Turns Dalight Saving Time on or off on the system.

Element Name: dateformat
Default Value: m-d-Y
Value Range: Special

The default format for dates on the board. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

Element Name: timeformat
Default Value: h:i A
Value Range: Special

The default format for times on the board. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

Element Name: registereddateformat
Default Value: M Y
Value Range: Special

The default format for registration dates on the board. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

Element Name: calformat1
Default Value: F j, Y
Value Range: Special

The first of two formats used for calendar entries on the board. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

Element Name: calformat2
Default Value: F j
Value Range: Special

The first of two formats used for calendar entries on the board. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

Element Name: logdateformat
Default Value: H:i, jS M Y
Value Range: Special

The format for log entries. For an understanding of date and time strings, read the entry on the date function in the

To be continued....
[cookietimeout] => 900 [cookiepath] => / [cookiedomain] => [gzipoutput] => 1 [gziplevel] => 1 [addheaders] => [nocacheheaders] => 0 [useheaderredirect] => 1 [allowphpinfo] => 0 [cachemaxage] => 0 [threadviewslive] => [attachmentviewslive] => [emailsendnum] => 10 [sessionlimit] => 0 [loadlimit] => 0 [allowimgsizefailure] => [gdversion] => 0 [safeupload] => [tmppath] => /tmp [usemailqueue] => 1 [needfromemail] => 0 [copypostindex] => 1 [languageid] => 1 [styleid] => 1 [allowchangestyles] => 1 [cleargifurl] => clear.gif [storecssasfile] => 0 [usepopups] => 1 [legacypostbit] => 0 [enablecensor] => 1 [censorchar] => * [censorwords] => [blankasciistrip] => 160 173 [enableemail] => 1 [displayemails] => 1 [secureemail] => [emailfloodtime] => 60 [allowregistration] => 1 [usecoppa] => [moderatenewmembers] => [regimagecheck] => 1 [welcomemail] => 1 [newuseremail] => [allowmultiregs] => [verifyemail] => [requireuniqueemail] => 1 [minuserlength] => 3 [maxuserlength] => 25 [illegalusernames] => [usereferrer] => 1 [defaultregoptions] => 4686473 [ctMaxChars] => 25 [ctCensorWords] => admin forum moderator vbulletin leader [ctCensorMod] => 1 [allowsignatures] => 1 [sigmax] => 500 [allowbbcode] => 1 [allowsmilies] => 1 [allowbbimagecode] => [allowhtml] => [ignoremods] => 0 [avatarenabled] => 1 [numavatarswide] => 5 [numavatarsperpage] => 10 [profilepicenabled] => 1 [reputationenable] => [reputationdefault] => 10 [reputationundefined] => is off the scale [showuserrates] => 5 [adminpower] => 10 [rdpower] => 365 [pcpower] => 1000 [kppower] => 100 [minreputationpost] => 50 [minreputationcount] => 10 [maxreputationperday] => 10 [reputationrepeat] => 20 [unallowvbcode] => 1 [unallowsmilies] => 1 [unallowimg] => 1 [unallowhtml] => [enablememberlist] => 1 [memberlistposts] => 0 [memberlistfields] => 216 [memberlistperpage] => 30 [usememberlistadvsearch] => 1 [profilelastpost] => 0 [enablebanning] => 1 [banip] => [banemail] => [allowkeepbannedemail] => 1 [globalignore] => [allowedbbcodes] => 1023 [codemaxlines] => 30 [quickreply] => [quickreplyclick] => 1 [postminchars] => 10 [ignorequotechars] => 1 [quotetitle] => 0 [postmaxchars] => 10000 [maximages] => 4 [stopshouting] => 1 [allowdynimg] => [floodchecktime] => 30 [editthreadtitlelimit] => 5 [addpolltimeout] => 0 [edittimelimit] => 0 [noeditedbytime] => 2 [logip] => 1 [allowvbcodebuttons] => 2 [wysiwyg_show_smiliebox] => 0 [smtotal] => 15 [smcolumns] => 3 [wysiwyg_smtotal] => 15 [syscolorpicker] => 0 [attachtotalspace] => 0 [attachlimit] => 5 [attachboxcount] => 1 [allowattachdel] => 1 [allowclosedattachdel] => 0 [allowduplicates] => 1 [viewattachedimages] => 1 [attachthumbs] => 0 [attachthumbssize] => 100 [attachrow] => 5 [thumbpng] => 1 [maxpolloptions] => 10 [maxpolllength] => 100 [updatelastpost] => [showvotes] => 1 [votechange] => [enablesearches] => 1 [searchfloodtime] => 0 [minsearchlength] => 4 [maxsearchlength] => 20 [goodwords] => vb vbb php sql [searchperpage] => 25 [maxresults] => 500 [allowwildcards] => 1 [similarthreadsearch] => 0 [similarthreadthreshold] => 3.5 [multimatchscore] => 15 [datescore] => 15 [threadtitlescore] => 5 [posttitlescore] => 5 [replyscore] => 0.10 [replyfunc] => none [viewscore] => 0.01 [viewfunc] => none [ratescore] => 0.5 [ratefunc] => none [forumhome] => index [displayloggedin] => 1 [showbirthdays] => 1 [birthdaydatecut] => 0 [showevents] => 1 [showholidays] => 1 [showeventtype] => 0 [forumhomedepth] => 2 [forumdisplaydepth] => 2 [subforumdepth] => 0 [showforumdescription] => 1 [hideprivateforums] => 1 [showlocks] => [lastthreadchars] => 30 [showmoderatorcolumn] => [showforumusers] => [maxthreads] => 20 [showstickies] => 1 [showdots] => 1 [usehotthreads] => 1 [hotnumberviews] => 150 [hotnumberposts] => 15 [linktopages] => 1 [maxmultipage] => 3 [threadpreview] => 300 [oneannounce] => 1 [showthreadusers] => [maxposts] => 10 [usermaxposts] => 5,10,20,30,40 [showdeficon] => images/icons/icon1.gif [wordwrap] => 50 [threadvoted] => [threadsubscribed] => 1 [showsimilarthreads] => 1 [postelements] => 0 [allowthreadedmode] => 1 [threadedmode] => [threaded_listdepth] => 5 [threaded_maxcache] => 40 [enablepms] => 1 [checknewpm] => 1 [pmmaxchars] => 5000 [pmfloodtime] => 60 [pmperpage] => 50 [pmmaxperpage] => 100 [privallowicons] => 1 [privallowbbcode] => 1 [privallowsmilies] => 1 [privallowbbimagecode] => 1 [privallowhtml] => [WOLenable] => 1 [WOLrefresh] => 60 [WOLguests] => 1 [WOLresolve] => [enablespiders] => 0 [spiderstrings] => googlebot mediapartners-google lycos ask jeeves scooter fast-webcrawler slurp@inktomi turnitinbot yahoo! slurp msnbot [spiderdesc] => Google Mediapartners Adsense Lycos Ask Jeeves Altavista AlltheWeb Inktomi Yahoo MSN Search [archiveenabled] => 1 [archive_threadsperpage] => 250 [archive_postsperpage] => 250 [cpstylefolder] => vBulletin_3_Default [timeoutcontrolpanel] => 0 [adminquickstats] => 0 [cp_collapse_forums] => 0 [cp_usereditcolumns] => 2 [externaljs] => [externalrss] => [externalxml] => [errorlogdatabase] => [errorlogsecurity] => [errorlogmaxsize] => 1048576 [disableerroremail] => 0 [subscriptionmethods] => 0 [ppemail] => [ncxemail] => [worldpay_instid] => [authorize_loginid] => [hourdiff] => -18000 ) supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024