Moderator management system
This modification is in the archives.
tested with 3.0.3
You went into a lot of trouble selecting the moderators for your forum, you created a set of rules, told them what you expected from them. Now, how do you know if they are really moderating? Of course, if you have 3 forums and 3 moderators, it's not big deal. But if you have 5+ moderators then this tool might be useful. I wanted to receive an alert when my moderators were absent, or when they were in the forum but weren't doing any moderation at all... also I want my moderators to be active posters. But checking on every one of them is time consuming. That's why I made this tool. With it you receive an alert pm if:
1) Upload the files in the .zip file to your forum. Make sure that you follow the directory structure in the zip file. modmanagement.php goes in the root of your forum functions_modmanagement.php goes to the includes/ directory modmanagement_cron.php goes into the includes/cron/ directory modmanagement_install.php goes into the admincp directory 2) Open the modmanagement_install.php in your browser 3) That's it ![]() Customization: - Go to vbulletin options and change how many posts a moderator should do in how many days, how long can someone be inactive, etc. - Go to the scheduled tasks and you can change the cron job. By default, it sends the alerts sunday morning. Other options: Open modmanagement.php in your browser to see a summary of the moderators activity. Even more customization: Note: You should really test that the hack is working and that you like it before doing anything else ![]() *optional* For integration in the admincp and a link in every page, you need some file modifications, here: Spoiler (click to open)
Quote by sv1cec
If you really need to do that (I was aiming at a no file no template modification hack, I am tired of rehacking everything every month
![]() For a link in you admincp, it will be below "View permissions" in the "Forums & Moderators" box In admincp/index.php find: PHP Code:
construct_nav_group("$vbphrase[forums] & $vbphrase[moderators]");
PHP Code:
construct_nav_option('Moderators management', '../modmanagement.php');
For a link in your footer template, it will appear just next to your "admincp" link in your 'footer' template find: PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['admincplink']"><a href="$admincpdir/index.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[admin]</a> -</if>
PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['admincplink']"><a href="$admincpdir/index.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[admin]</a> - <a href="modmanagement.php">Moderators Management</a> -</if>
*optional* The summary page can only be accesed by administrators. If you want to give access to supermoderators or moderators, here: Spoiler (click to open)
By default only admins can view the modmanagement.php page, if you want your supermoderators to be able to access the page.
In modmanagement.php search for: PHP Code:
if (!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL))
PHP Code:
if (!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL) && !($permissions['adminpermissions'] & ISMODERATOR))
In modmanagement.php search for: PHP Code:
if (!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL))
PHP Code:
if (!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & CANCONTROLPANEL) && !can_moderate())
Info for hackers: You may modify, improve, upgrade, redistribute this hack, include it in another hack or yours or translate it provided you do it free of charge and you distribute it in http://../ at least, there is no need to pm me asking for permission Some portions of the code are (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Download This modification is archived and cannot be downloaded. Screenshots
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