This hack will allow you to by-pass the function filters built into the template conditional's. Currently you are restricted to the following functions:
PHP Code:
$safe_functions = array(
// logical stuff
0 => 'and', // logical and
1 => 'or', // logical or
2 => 'xor', // logical xor
// built-in variable checking functions
'in_array', // used for checking
'is_array', // used for checking
'is_numeric', // used for checking
'isset', // used for checking
'empty', // used for checking
'defined', // used for checking
'array', // used for checking
// vBulletin-defined functions
'can_moderate', // obvious one
'can_moderate_calendar', // another obvious one
'exec_switch_bg', // harmless function that we use sometimes
'is_browser', // function to detect browser and versions
'is_member_of', // function to check if $user is member of $usergroupid
With this hack installed you will be allowed to use ANY avaiable php or vBulletin defined function within your templates. I have also included a on/off switch that allows you to disable filtering via config.php.
PHP Code:
// filtering off
define('C_PASSTHRU', false);
// filtering on
define('C_PASSTHRU', true);
This hack is ment to be used on test boards for functionality testing, do not run it in production enviroments.