Apache Log Viewer
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General Info
Hello all, Ive decided to release my first semi-hack for the administration side of things. This script as stated in the name itself is for viewing a specified / sorted Apache Combined Access Log File in vbulletin, but it is very specific. In general this script will do 3 things, list IP's grouped by total times that IP has appeared in logfile, along with its first access time and its newest, particularly useful for a multitude of things. In my case, I had a person using a proxy clicker, and I really didnt want to delve into squinting at my Apache Log File to determine which IP's were bad and which weren't so I thought (Hey ! Why don't I make something to count the number of times the IP sent a request to Apache) so yes thats basically what this does, nothing more and nothing less. If you want to know what IP's are connecting to your server in some situation, and which ones to block - here you go. Details This script offers a default (connects per ip) so it filters out the minute connections that normal people have, which you can change in the file, also the script auto builds some higher counts to limit it to. Ie (pp=1000) would limit output to IP's that had atleast 1000 request to apache and so on. Also you can click on an IP to view its Hostname info, if you want that stuff. Important As many people know, your access log files can be Massive and thus this script will in most cases for a normal site Not run if your Memory Limit is set too low. Lots of people dont like doing this, but the Memory is released as the script is run, so its not constantly hogging memory, its just briefly using it to load the access log and parse it. Instructions Open script in some editor, edit the configurations. Save it, and upload to your webserver in your forums admin directory and point your browser to it. Easy as that. LogFiles Please make sure your logfiles are setup generally in this way, if not; tell me how it is, and I will make script able to accept various logfile setups. Code:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [21/Jun/2004:13:54:21 -0400] "GET /folder/whatever.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 - "http://reffer" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; DigExt)" 1. Raise your memory limit in the PHP.ini file (i recommend atleast 60 - you may need even more) 2. Raise your memory limit in the Apache virtual host containers for your Domain Name so that the memory limit is adjusted JUST for your domain. (php_admin_value memory_limit 60M) is an example entry for 60 Megabytes. Download This modification is archived and cannot be downloaded. Screenshots
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