'Paste' Button in Template Editor
This modification is in the archives.
I just remembered that there used to be a link here for PHP/Code boxes thats selected the contents and copied them to the clipboard and thought I want that for the template manager, then noticed it was already there
![]() Simple but useful IMO. (Note this only works in IE). In clientscript/vbulletin_templatemgr.js find: HTML Code:
// ############################################################################# // function to find text on a page HTML Code:
function PasteClipboard() { var tempval = eval('document.cpform.template') tempval.focus(); tempval.select(); if (document.all) { therange = tempval.createTextRange(); therange.execCommand('Paste'); setTimeout("window.status=''",1800) } } PHP Code:
<input type="button" class="button" style="font-weight:normal" value=" ' . $vbphrase['copy'] . ' " accesskey="c" onclick="HighlightAll();" tabindex="1" />
PHP Code:
<input type="button" class="button" style="font-weight:normal" value=" ' . $vbphrase['paste'] . ' " accesskey="v" onclick="PasteClipboard();" tabindex="1" />
Varname: paste Text: Paste Download No files for download. Screenshots