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Common Questions and Anwsers to vB3
by Zachery 15 Jan 2004

Common Questions and Anwser to vB3

Q. My logo is off center, how do i fix this?

A. Open your header template and find   and remove it.

Q. I'm trying add a second adminstrator and they dont see all the options

A. You must edit config.php and place your userid, which is 1 if you installed the board. Then you will be able to edit and change the Adminstrator Permissions

Q. How can i edit the text somewhere, such as the guest message?

A. Its most likly in the Language and Phrase manager. search for it .

Q. How do i revert all templates?

A. AdminCP > Style Manager > Drop down > Revert all Templates.

Q. How do i add a profile feild into the postbit?

A. All you need to do is note the field id and replace it for x in the example below, then place it into your Postbit or Postbit Legacy
Example: $post[fieldX]

Q. How do i configure IPN for subscriptions with paypal to work?


Q. How to i turn on debug mode?

A. before ?> in config.php add $debug=1;

Q. If your gettin a message like "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent "

A. there is whitespace after ?> or before <?php

Q. Where can i set Avatar / Profile Picture settings?

A. this is now done on a per usergroup baisis

Q. How can i setup how many days / posts a user must have before they can get an avatar / profile picture / Personal Messages / be able to download attachments

A. This is now accomplished by usergroup promotion and primary / secondary usergroups. AdminCP > Usergroups > Promotions

Q. How Can i change my postbit to look like it used to / on this site (

A. ACP > vBulletin Options > Thread Display Options (showthread) > Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template > YES

i will continue to update this as nessary supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024