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How to Effectively Ban Users
by filburt1 31 Jul 2003

(this isn't technically hacking, but there seems to be a lack of solid knowledge of the topic)

Let's say you have a troublesome user who broke the rules. Because of that, you banned him. He contacts you, pretending to be deep in sorrow from his transgressions, and you consider letting him back in.

That was mistake #1. Once you ban a member, keep him or her banned for the duration you chose (usually permanently). Do not read any communication from the banned user. And most importantly of all, never mention his name or hint at it in public or private!. Just pretend like he never existed.

Over time, he will become bored and move on. It may take literally 20 or more bannings, but it'll stop.

There are hacks here that are designed to either torture or hide the banned user, but I don't particurally think they're effective for a professional board; instead, simply use vB's built-in banning system.

Also, do not ban an IP range. Only ban a specific IP address, if you must at all. You can also do one of my favorite things: change the error template for a banned IP to not mention banned IPs but just generally say that the person was banned from your forums. Then, it's less likely that they'll know to try to post from another IP. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024