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Learn Regular Expressions
by filburt1 24 Apr 2003

This may look like pure nonsense:
PHP Code:
$s preg_replace("/\[mycode\](.*)\[\/mycode\]/siU""<b>\\1</b>"$s); 
...but it converts anything in $s that's in the format "[mycode]something[/mycode]" to "<b>something</b>". This is thanks to regular expressions, a series of usually arcane-looking characters in a hideous and unreadable string that are extremely powerful once you know how to use them. vB uses them everywhere, and after I got over the very sharp learning curve, I use them everywhere I can now. You'd be amazed at how much it can simplify your code.

A regexp (or regex) reference that I use is at (that's for Perl but the expressions themselves are almost exactly the same). Also see , , and , as well as all the other preg_...() functions. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024