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Function to retrieve the forums a user can access
by Chen 05 Aug 2002

This is something I once wrote for someone (think it was merk?), and kept it in a file, and finally got around to clean it up and wrap it in a function.

Very useful for some hacks, hope this helps at least some of you.
Here is the full function, along with some basic instructions:

PHP Code:
 * Parameters:
 *    1.    The name of the permission you want to check for.
 *        Alternatively, it can take an array of permissions.
 *        Defaults to 'canview'.
 *    2.    The user ID of the user you are checking permissions for.
 *        Defaults to -1 (i.e current viewer).
 *    3.    The separator for the list of forum ID's.
 * Return:
 *    1.    If the first parameter is a string, the function will
 *        return the list of forum ID's.
 *    2.    If the first parameter is an array, the function will
 *        return an associative array of permission => forum ID's.
 * Example usage:
 *    1.    get_allowed_forums();
 *            Will return the list of forums the current user can view:
 *            1,5,6,8
 *    2.    get_allowed_forums(array('canview', 'canpostnew'), 2);
 *            Will return an array that contains two keys, canview and
 *            canpostnew, each referring to the list of forums user
 *            number 2 can access:
 *            Array
 *            (
 *                [canview] => 3,5,7,8
 *                [canpostnew] => 3,7
 *            )
function get_allowed_forums ($checkfor 'canview'$userid = -1$separator ',') {

    if (
$userid == -1) {
$userinfo $bbuserinfo;
    } else {
$userinfo getuserinfo($userid);

    if (
is_array($checkfor)) {
$select implode(', '$checkfor);
    } else {
$select $checkfor;
$forumpermissions $DB_site->query("
        SELECT forumid, 
        FROM forumpermission
        WHERE usergroupid = 
    while (
$forumpermission $DB_site->fetch_array($forumpermissions)) {
$forumpermscache[$forumpermission['forumid']] = $forumpermission;

    if (
$userinfo['userid'] != and $enableaccess) {
$accesspermissions $DB_site->query("
            SELECT forumid, accessmask
            FROM access
            WHERE userid = 
        while (
$accesspermission $DB_site->fetch_array($accesspermissions)) {
$accesscache[$accesspermission['forumid']] = $accesspermission;

        if (
is_array($checkfor)) {
            foreach (
$checkfor as $permname) {
$usergroupdefault[$permname] = $permissions[$permname];
$nopermissions[$permname] = 0;
        } else {
$usergroupdefault = array(
$checkfor => $permissions[$checkfor]
$nopermissions = array(
$checkfor => 0

// (This is a really really fast query since it only
    //  uses the index and not the actual table.)
$forums $DB_site->query('SELECT forumid FROM forum');
    while (
$forum $DB_site->fetch_array($forums)) {
        if (
$enableaccess and is_array($accesscache[$forum['forumid']])) {
            if (
$accesscache[$forum['forumid']]['accessmask'] == 1) {
$forumperms $usergroupdefault;
            } else {
$forumperms $nopermissions;
        } elseif (
is_array($forumpermscache[$forum['forumid']])) {
$forumperms $forumpermscache[$forum['forumid']];
        } else {
$forumperms $permissions;

        if (
is_array($checkfor)) {
            foreach (
$checkfor as $permname) {
                if ((!
$hideprivateforums and $permname == 'canview') or $forumperms[$permname]) {
                    if (
$allowedforums[$permname]) {
$allowedforums[$permname] .= $separator;
$allowedforums[$permname] .= $forum['forumid'];
        } else {
            if ((!
$hideprivateforums and $checkfor == 'canview') or $forumperms[$checkfor]) {
                if (
$allowedforums) {
$allowedforums .= $separator;
$allowedforums .= $forum['forumid'];

$allowedforums; supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024