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Fix for replacement code problem in vB Code
by Steve Machol 09 Mar 2002

I'm almost embarrassed to call this a 'hack', particularly sincve it's not even mine! :stupid: Actually the code came from FireFly who PM'd me with the answer to this problem I posted on

The problem arises if you try to use replacement variables in vB Code. Beginning with 2.2.3, this no longer works. However the fix (thanks to Chen!) is simple. Just remove or comment out this line from admin/functions.php:

PHP Code:
$bbcode=str_replace("{""{"$bbcode); // stop people posting replacements in their posts 
Of course remving this line will cause the problem of people using replacement variables in posts. However in my case it's a good trade-off. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024