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Alternating Colors
by Chen 25 Feb 2002

Ok this is a pretty old 'trick' but I'm bored so here goes.

This is how you can get the effect of switching colors, like posts in vBulletin and such.

$bits = '';
$bgcounter = 0;
$result=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM table");
while ($row=$DB_site->fetch_array($result) and ++$bgcounter) {
	$bgcolor = iif($bgcounter%2==0, '{firstaltcolor}', '{secondaltcolor}');
	eval("\$bits .= \"".gettemplate("template")."\";");
At first we initalize $bgcounter to 0, so we know exactly what comes first (first or second color).

Then in the loop, we each time increment $bgcounter by one, so once it's an odd number and once it's even.

And last, inside the loop we check every time wheter $bgcounter is even or odd. This is done using the modulus
If it's even, we get {firstaltcolor} in $bgcolor. Otherwise, we put there {secondaltcolor}.

Then all there's left to do is use $bgcolor in the template, and you will once get the first alternating color, and once the second.

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