Yilmaz - Postbit Background Usergroups
Tested in vbulletin version 5.6.4 works fine
Description: This plug-in will allow me to set images to that specific usergroup. What's new in 1.2.0: More than three different user groups added 1.3.0: Fixed bug with profile link 1.4.1: Fixed background color ======================================== How to install: ======================================== Upload the content of "Yilmaz - Postbit Background Usergroups" to your root. that's all it. enjoy.. ======================================== How to uninstall: ======================================== 1. Remove the package "yilmazpostbitbgug" that located in /core/packages/ 2. Go to "Manage Products" in the admincp and delete the product named "Yilmaz - Postbit Background Usergroups" How to update: ======================================== -Import XML file (as product) through AdminCP: Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] OR import the XML file from your server Code:
./core/packages/yilmazpostbitbgug/xml/product_yilmazpostbitbgug.xml https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/yilmaztv/5. https://i.postimg.cc/kCc8XQRH/2020-10-27-03-46-36.png Download
Yilmaz - Postbit Background Usergroups.zip (818.4 KB, 38 downloads) Screenshots |
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