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Dailymotion Publisher Kit in vBulletin – Make Money From Your Forum
by XiTCLUB 28 Jul 2013

There are lot of publisher program out there, but dailymotion publisher program is really interesting. You will get paid for every content not only yours like some other publisher programs. you can earn from each and every video hosted on dailymotion program (publicly available only).

Now i am showing you how can you use your vBulletin 4.X powered forum turn into money making machine for you.

Step 1: Apply for Dailymotion Publisher Program

Once you get your account accepted and activated login to your account and navigate to publisher kit and save your “Syndication Key”

Step 2: Goto your Forum’s admincp > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Edit your active style > BB Code Layout Templates > bbcode_video

Look For
PHP Code:
<vb:elseif condition="$provider == 'dailymotion'" /> 
Replace Following Code

<object class="restrain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="339" data="{vb:raw code}">
    <param name="movie" value="{vb:raw code}" />
    <param name="wmode" value="{vb:raw wmode}" />
    <!--[if IE 6]>
    <embed width="420" height="339" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="{vb:raw code}" />
With This One and add replace “YOUR_SYNDICATION_KEY” with your syndication from dailymotion publisher program
<iframe frameborder="0" width="640" height="480" src="{vb:raw code}?autoplay=0&logo=1&hideInfos=0&start=0&syndication=YOUR_SYNDICATION_KEY&foreground=&highlight=&background="></iframe>
Now any dailymotion shared videos on your forum will be served with your syndication key and you will earn for each and every view on videos on your forum

Hope you find this helpful, leave your replies below

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