kaPoW: anti-spam mod for vBB registration
Hi guys,
I created this mod to prevent spammers from creating multiple fake accounts on vBB. I'm available for supports There will be no noticeable change in user experience since everything is done by AJAX. You guys can use Firebug to see it clearer. kaPoW plugin and reputation service that can complement existing anti-spam tools. kaPoW creates disincentives for sending spam by slowing down spammers. It uses a web-based proof-of-work approach wherein a client is given a computational puzzle to solve before accessing a service (e.g. comment posting). The idea is to set puzzle difficulties based on a clients reputation, thereby, issuing harder puzzles to spammers. The more time spammers solve puzzles, the less time they have to send spam. Unlike CAPTCHAs, kaPoW requires no additional user interaction since all the puzzles are issued and solved in software. kaPoW can be used by any web application that supports an extension framework (e.g. plugins) and is concerned about spam. The kaPoW plugin's architecture: For more information: http://kapow.cs.pdx.edu Installation: 1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory. 2. Go to register.php: a) Find: PHP Code:
if ($_POST['do'] == 'addmember')
i PHP Code:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
hw_reg.zip (7.3 KB, 32 downloads) |