@font-face & @keyframes
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will be compatible with e360 - Username Html MarkUp 4.x.x Version 1.2.0 and e360 - Username Prefix with Html MarkUp (Clan Tags) 4.x.x Version 1.2.0 For Version Information And Features for Next Version: Go to Post #2 Spoiler (click to open)
Version Information:
v1.0 - Dec 6 2012 -First version v1.0.1 -Fix bug: bbcode was not installing Close
Only Tested on 4.2.0 Description: Adds 6 New BBcodes For Use and can use custom @font-face and @KeyFrame Effects Adds an IE LeightBox Warning for IE 6,7,8 and 9 to upgrade browser or get Google Chrome Frame for IE 6,7,8 and 9. (The LeightBox Warning only shows For IE 6,7,8 and 9 Unless the have Google Chrome Frame for IE) 1.Outline Text Effect, this is achieve by CSS 2.Color Outline Text Effect, this is achieve by CSS 3.Neon Lights Text Effect (also fades in and out), this is achieve by CSS and @font-face 4.Blinking Text Effect, this is achieve by CSS 5.Fire Animation Text Effect, this is achieve by CSS 6.Sparkles Text Effect, this is achieve by images If you dont like any of the bbcode you can delete them by going to AdminCP >Custom BB Codes > BB Code Manager But try them out first before you delete them Neon Lights Text Effect you can use for colors red,yellow,green,purple,blue,orange And pink for this effect. (For option use lowercase letters only!) Color Outline Text Effect you can use for colors blue,lime,yellow,red,magenta,cyan,purple,hotpink,navy,green and orange for this effect. (For option use lowercase letters only!) Sparkles Text Effect You can use 1-7 for this effect. @font-face compatible with all browsers except Opera Mini, and IE6. @KeyFrame compatible with Firefox,Chrome,Safari,Opera,iOS Safari,Android Browser,Blackberry Browser and IE10 except Opera Mini, IE 6,7,8 and 9, But some will still work with IE 9. @KeyFrame Can be compatible with all IE browsers, If they Have Google Chrome Frame for IE 6,7,8 and 9. Adds 20 New Fonts the 20th one use for Neon Lights Text Effect Digital-7 Transformers Movie X-Files Top Secret Bold Super Mario Bros Kingthings Christmas2 Army BatmanForeverAlternate Blade Runner Movie Font BLiNG RiNG Coca Cola ii Graffogie Most Wazted Harry Potterregular STARWARS Compacta Black BT Blood Thirsty Chinese Take Away North Side Installation or Update: 1. BackUp Your DataBase 2. Upload e360mods folder to your forum root 3. Import the product-e360_font_face product file via AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] 4. IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM ON THE CKEDITOR Go to AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Your Style > Toolbar Menu Options > and add to Available Fonts from the new fonts that are in the font text (Text Document) 5. Go to AdminCP > Setting > Options > e360 @font-face Leightbox > and Enable IE LeightBox Warning? 6. If You have dark Style Go to AdminCP > Style Manager > Your Style > Style Variable Editor > e360_FontFace and config Outline Color to white and Outline Font Color to black 7.Now if you have your own server or VPS add this (This is for people with Google Chrome Frame for IE so it will work on your site) For Apache, httpd.conf HTML Code:
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c> <IfModule mod_headers.c> BrowserMatch chromeframe gcf Header append X-UA-Compatible "chrome=1" env=gcf </IfModule> </IfModule> For IIS 7.0 and greater, you can set the header in a web.config HTML Code:
<configuration> <system.webServer> <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="chrome=1" /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> </configuration> HTML Code:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
You Can Read more about Google Chrome Frame https://developers.google.com/chrome/chrome-frame/ 8. If you want to add your own custom @font-face's and @KeyFrame's add the CSS in the template e360_at-ff-kf-additional.css and your custom fonts to the folder root /e360mods/@font_face/custom_fonts (Folder custom_fonts) for custom font make sure you have all 4 font files (eot,woff,ttf,svg) This is a good place for font generator http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator if you have a font file it will generator the css and the other 3 font files for you. You just have to edit the css a little bit Example: Here's want in the CSS file fontsquirrel generates (Make Perfect CSS) (NOTE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) PHP Code:
/* Generated by Font Squirrel (http://www.fontsquirrel.com) on December 1, 2012 */
now add this e360mods/@font_face/custom_fonts/ to your this css and make it looks like this (NOTE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) PHP Code:
(NOTE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) and just upload all 4 font files (eot,woff,ttf,svg) to your forum root /e360mods/@font_face/custom_fonts (Folder custom_fonts) IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM ON THE CKEDITOR add the font name Compacta Black BT to AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Your Style > Toolbar Menu Options > and add to Available Fonts (NOTE THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) Download
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