DB-Tech vBavatars beginner pack
If you haven't already bought vBavatars i highly recomend you do, its a fantastic addition to any forum and the price is minimal for the excellent features it has and will have. its masses of fun for your users and your designers.
Ok this thread will be broken down into sections, the first part being the general setup for use (since at time of writing vbavatars cannot/doesn't support import export) OK first off in your ACP go to vBavatars head over to the manage catagories and make the followingchanges/additions: (This list is how it should look when you've done, top of list is display order 10,20,30 etc bottom being the highest display number) Skin Tone Hair Eyes Mouth Face Accessories Face Paint Torso Hands Left Hand Items Right Hand Items Legs Shoes Foot Items Tails Capes Wings Aura's Back Accessories Backgrounds Now head to your manage layers section and ensure the following are added/changed (in same order as mine, so top = lowest display order, bottom = highest display order) Backgrounds Wings Back Accessories Capes Tails Avatar Base Legs Shoes Torso Hands Face Paint Mouth Eyes Face Items Hair Left Hand Right Hand Aura's Foot Accessories Once this is done then your all set for uploading and adding the Avatar parts from my pack (see download) See attachments for some of the sets included in this beginner pack. there are over 100 different parts so far in the beginner pack and over 200 in the full pack. STAGE 2 Now with the top steps done its time to upload the pack (Please note the full pack will be available over on my own site as this is just a beginner pack plus these will NOT be updated regularly on this site) Download the Neo's Avatars ZIP and unzip it then upload the parts folder to /dbtech/avatars/images/ folder. once all the images have been uploaded you can head back to your ACP and go "Manage avatar parts" and re-name the parts to whatever you wish and add the prices you like (for convenience i've saved each parts name with the catagory they should be in (some are also common sense, just be sure you check the left/right hand items as they are NOT named _left and _right)) Add the prices and whatever display order you wish them to show in and your done! I will try to provide support as best i can but if you follow those instructions you shouldn't run into any problems. The full version of this release will be found at http://www.Pantherproducts.co.uk/forums, you'll need to be a registered member and have 10 posts to download the full version for free. If you like this and want to contribute to the hard work thats gone into these then please feel free to donate any amount you wish via paypal: email. Download
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