Random YouTube/Vimeo Video Widget
Random YouTube Video Widget Description: Allows you to display 1 random video from any number of videos you choose. Tested on vB 4.2.0 Patch Level 2 Live Demo: http://mrdeids.com Installation: 1. Download Random_Video_Widget_v1.0.1.zip 2. Unzip contents and view README 3. Go To -> Admincp -> vBulletin CMS -> Widgets 4. Create new widget Widget Type: Static HTML. Name it whatever you desire. ie. "Random Video"and save it. 5. Configure The Widget in VBulletin CMS -> widgets (insert all the code in the Random_Video_Widget_v1.0.1.txt making edits highlighted in red to suit your site) 6. Add the widget in page through layout manager. Uninstallation: Delete "Random Video" (or whatever you named it) Widget in vBulletin CMS -> Widgets The RED items below will need to be edited to suit your requirements. video[0] = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/s7-pbVdiDas"; s7-pbVdiDas is the Video link you can get from your youtube channel. ie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7-pbVdiDas this is the total number of videos you want to pull from your youtube channel list var numberOfVideos = 12; adjust for height and width of your layout. width="340" height="280" I do not have a Vimeo account but it should work the same way. for vimeo use: video[0] = "http://player.vimeo.com/video/XXXXXXXX?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0"; XXXXXXXX is the Video link you can get from your vimeo video id. Please Click Mark As Installed If You Have Installed. Mod History: v1.0.0 :: 27 July 2012 :: First Release v1.0.1 :: 28 July 2012 :: Added Vimeo Support Download
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