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Rss Poster Robot Feeds Modification to Full Article
by lebanon 26 Jun 2012
Rating: (2 votes - 4.50 average)

Transform RSS feeds used for RSS Poster Robot to full Text before posting them.

This is more of a service than a modification and requires 0 file uploads and 0 file changes.

Typically, when using RSS poster you follow this Guide :
Noting this
"Within vBulletin, we allow you to access only specific parts of the RSS. The fields you can use are title, description, link, id, date, enclosure_href and content:encoded"
With slight change you can transform this URL to full text using our service :

Browse to :
Follow Instructions and Generate the new feed URL and copy it off your browser.

Repeated Detailed Instructions ( Should be self explanatory anyway )

URL Field :: Typically this is a URL for a partial feed which we transform into 
a full-text feed. But it can also be a standard web page URL, in which case we'll 
extract its content and return it in a 1-item feed
Access Key : To Limit users on my re-rss-poster, I am enforcing an AccessKey, 
the key is offered of course for free for testing purposes and will remain free
Right now Access is :     freekey
The only difference is, to keep this service functional and to keep the mirror from slow responses, I am asking everyone to simply ask for a freekey for his site usage, 
this will make sure only registered members of "" and not being 
used by everyone else .
 Also reserves the right to ban any key being requested from more than 2-IPs 
maximum at any given day. (This will be enforced after testing period)
Max-Items :: Maximum RSS items to fetch, values accepted are 1-10, this can 
be increased later but typically 10 posts per update and default is 5, which is typically 
more than enough for updated items.
Preserve links within article :: By default, links within the content are preserved. 
Change this field if you'd like links removed, or included as footnotes.
If extraction fails, we can remove the item from the feed or keep it in.<br /><br />
Keeping the item will keep the title, URL and original description (if any) found in 
the feed. In addition, we insert a message before the original description notifying you that extraction failed

Disclaimer & More features : We offer this as a free service, no restriction by default however we hold no guarantees on uptime status although this is a live server and we expect no usual downtime, please do not make abuse of hammering requests or sharing outside the forums.

Also, we have no footnotes added to the feeds, no restrictions except the 10 items limits per request, you are advised to set your RSS Poster Fetching Cron Job to 1 hour at least ( most sites wouldnt update their rss that frequently ).

We have already added definitions for over several hundred websites and patterns, and also auto detection is installed so if a pattern does not exist, it will still probably work
Of course, you will see the XML feed result on our site before using it to make sure it is working as intended.

If you found a non-working URL for an article feed(s), we can try and add its definition as well.
Single page articles are also extractable, however it makes no sense for adding a cron job to fetch same rss feed.

A sample of working rss feeds --> text ::
Happy RSS Hunting supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024