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Definitive List of VB 3.x mods compatible with VB 4.x
by BirdOPrey5 05 Sep 2011
Rating: (3 votes - 5.00 average)

There are some mods for early versions of vBulletin (3.6, 3.7, and 3.8) that are still compatible with the latest version of VB 4.x. Some of these mods are very unique and no newer versions are available.

The purpose of this article is to document some of the most popular mods for VB 3.x that are compatible with VB 4.x directly or with minor fixes (and links to the fixes if applicable.)

This is NOT a thread to request mods be updated to VB 4.x!

I have what I believe is a pretty good list to get started. If you know of any other 3.x mods you are using on VB 4.x please post a link to them here and I will periodically add then to this post.

Without further ado...

vB 3.6 Mods Compatible with vB 4.x

Maximum New Threads/Replies Per X hours Per Usergroup & Forum
URL: Maximum New Threads/Replies Per X hours Per Usergroup & Forum
Description: Allows you to limit the number of posts per hour per usergroup or forum.

Email Rules - Email must match regular expression to register
URL: Email Rules - Require that users' email addresses match a regular expression
Description: Allows you to set a regular expression that all email addresses must match on registration. A great way to allow only certain domains or extensions to join your forum.

Title: Email Filter 3.6.X
URL: Email Filter 3.6.X
Description: This mod allows you to white list email domains from which new members can only register from. Instead of banning all the thousands of free emails ( out there why not only allow a few ISPs that you trust. Also this mod will allow you to white list TLD like a .edu or .gov so anyone (example email) can register at your forum without you having to add every university manually.

Title: Display member signature only one time per thread page
URL: Display member signature only one time per thread page
Description: Allows you to display signatures only once per member per page of a thread- enabled per forum.

Title: EZ Bounced Email Management for Admins
URL: EZ Bounced Email Management for Admins
Description: Adds link in all emails admins can use to stop further emails from being sent to users with invalid email accounts.

Title: Prevent Certain Timezone Registration
URL: Prevent Certain Timezone Registration
Description: You can prevent users who select a specfic timezone from registering

Title: Unactivated User Management
URL: Un-Activated User Management 3.1
Description: Resends activation emails to users who register but don't activate their account. Deletes them after 10 days if not activated.

Title: Admin Anger Button - Log a User Out
URL: Admin Anger Button - Log a User Out
Description: Allows an admin to log-out any use forcing them to re-login if they want to post/use the forum.
VB4 Version in Post:

Spoiler (click to open)

Quote by widemind
Any one know of anything like this for vb4?

Thanks in advance.
My staff asked for this to be added to our vb4 board this morning, as the author hasn't been back since 2007 I dont think there is much chance of an updated version so I've tweaked it for vb4 myself.

I'm not a coder but it seems to work fine on my 4.1.4 site, but use at your own risk.
Attached Files
File Type: xml product-adminanger-1.0.1.vb4.xml (3.5 KB, 85 views)


Title: Automatically Close Old Threads After X Days
URL: Automatically Close Old Threads After X Days
Description: This mod will auto close all old threads after a time period the admin selected- many otpions.

Title: Advanced BBCode Permissions
URL: Advanced BBCode Permissions
Description: Give each usergroup permission to use each BBCode.
You should apply this fix:

Spoiler (click to open)

Ahh yes, go to your Admin CP -> Plugin manager, go to the Advanced BB Code Permissions mod and go to the plugin: Advanced BBCode Permissions on hook: bbcode_parse_complete

Find the line: (It should be the only line)
$this->tag_list = $this->bbcode_tag_list;
Replace it with:
if (isset($this->bbcode_tag_list))
    $this->tag_list = $this->bbcode_tag_list;
And you're set... it should work with other add-ons if you do this... it works within normal vbulletin pages without this change however.


Notes: Worked fine up through VB 4.1.3- Now small problem with new editor (4.1.4+)
Work Around for 4.1.4+ :

Spoiler (click to open)

I can get rid of the error by editing the plugin editor_toolbar_start...

finding the code:

	foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbcode)
		if($abe1_bbcode[non_core][$bbcode['bbcodetag']] == 0)
and changing it to :
   if ($bbcodecache !== null)
	foreach ($bbcodecache AS $bbcode)
		if($abe1_bbcode[non_core][$bbcode['bbcodetag']] == 0)
But none of the custom bbcode icons will show in the cms article editor.


Title: Prevent Spam Posts
URL: Prevent Spam Posts
Description: Scan new posts for common spam keywords and put post in moderation queue if any are found.

Title: Yet Another Mass PM System
URL: Yet Another Mass Private Message System 1.0.1
Description: Allows admins to send mass PMs.

Title: Hide Links From Guests
URL: Hide Links From Guests
Description: Guests can't see links- many options.

Title: Is Bot: Registration Time Check
URL: Is Bot: Registration Time Check
Fix for VB4:

Spoiler (click to open)

The mod is NOT compatible with vb4 out of the box, but there is a few simple change you can make to make it work.

1. Install as instructed, except add this line to the register template instead:
PHP Code:
<input type="hidden" name="isbot_time1" value="{vb:raw isbot_time1}" /> 
2. Go to Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager.
3. Look for the register_form_complete hook for the isBot product and click Edit.
4. In the Plugin PHP Code text box, add the following line below the only line of code there.
PHP Code:
vB_Template::preRegister('register',array('isbot_time1' => $isbot_time1)); 
5. Click Save and you're done.

Now you just have to wait for a bot to come along to test it.


Description: Checks how fast someone completes registration. If it's too fast it must be a bot not allowed to register.

vB 3.7 Mods Compatible with vB 4.x

Title: Replace BBCode with URL in quote
URL: Replace BBCode with URL in quote
Description: Replace specified BBCode in quotes with just a URL (does not work with VIDEO BBCode in VB 4.x)

Title: Multiple Account Login Detector (AE Detector)
URL: Multiple account login detector (AE Detector)
Description: Alerts you if someone is using the same computer for more than 1 account.

Title: Title Tag Fetcher (Auto Replace URL with Titletag)
URL: Title Tag Fetcher (Auto Replace URL with Titletag)
VB4 Fix:

Spoiler (click to open)

Quote by dalreardon

I am trying to find a mod like this one for VB v4.1.5

Someone referred me to this mod but when I tried to import the product I got an error message that said the product was not compatible with v4.1.5 and it wouldn't allow the import.

Any suggestions of a compatible mod?

Open up the .xml and change:
It works just fine in 4.1.5


Description: Will convert URL Links to Title of Page Links Automatically

Title: Zoints Anonymous Posting
URL: Zoints Anonymous Posting - Improved privacy for members
VB4 Fix:

Spoiler (click to open)

I was going to rewrite this from scratch so I could add some usergroup permissions to it but can't find a way to make it work without doing pretty much the same thing. The original code is sound though, just need to make one change to get it to work on vB4

I wanted it to display in the additional options box though so instead of editing the newpost_usernamecode template I edited
<li><label for="cb_disablesmilies"><input type="checkbox" name="disablesmilies" value="1" id="cb_disablesmilies" {vb:raw checked.disablesmilies} tabindex="1" /> {vb:rawphrase disable_smilies_in_text}</label></li>
I added
<vb:if condition="$show['anonymous']"><div><input type="checkbox" id="cb_anonymous" class="bginput" name="anonymous" value="1" /> {vb:rawphrase zointsanony_anonymous_post}</div></vb:if>
That's it, should see a checkbox to post anonymously in the additional options of the editor under the option to disable smilies. The rest of the code worked fine for me on 4.0.8 and 4.1.1



Description: Allows users to post "Anonymously" to selected forums.

Title: Periodic Prune PMs
URL: Periodic Prune Pms [ Cron Job - Fully Controlable ]
Description: This mod allows forum administration to specify a period after which all pms of users will be deleted (Per Usergroup).

Title: GS - Delete Soft Deleted Visitor Messages Every 30 Days 1.0
URL: GS - Delete Soft Deleted Visitor Messages Every 30 Days 1.0
Description: Does what it says.

vB 3.8 Mods Compatible with vB 4.x

Title: YouTube URL Converter/Fix by BOP5 (replaces with
URL: YouTube URL Converter/Fix by BOP5 (replaces with
Description: Converts short URLs to full URLs

Title: Template Modification System
URL: Template Modification System
Description: Automates template edits

Title: #Twitter Like Thread Tagging by BOP5 (Quick Thread Tagging)
URL: #Twitter Like Thread Tagging by BOP5 (Quick Thread Tagging)
Description: Tag threads with twitter like hash tags
Notes: Some features don't work on VB4- see thread for details supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024