Auto-Subscribe New User to Forum
What is it?
---------------------------- This mod automatically subscribes new users to one or more forums. The forums and type of notification can be set under "User Registration Options" in the adminCP. (Works on vb4 or vb3 versions). (This was created in response to this request: index.php?t=260225). Installation: ---------------------------- 1) In the Product Manager in AdminCP, import the product XML file (product-kh99_autosubscribeforum.xml). 2) Go to vBulletin Option -> User Registration Options to set the comma-separated list of forum ids, and type of notification. Uninstalling: ---------------------------- 1) Uninstall the product from the Product Manager in the AdminCP. (Doing so will not remove any existing subscriptions). Notes: ---------------------------- 1) Tested on vb4.1.5 and vb3.8.3. History: ---------------------------- 1.1 (Aug 26, 2011) - Added support for multiple forums 1.0 (Aug 25, 2011) - Initial Release Download
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