Lightweight Style for VB3.8.7 iPhone/Mobile/Cell/PDA
A few have asked for this, hope you like it.
As the title suggests, this is a lightweight style for vBulletin 3.8.7 (and probably most versions before that - A quick test showed it also working under vBulletin 3.7.7!) It's lightweight (low bandwidth) and works well on most handheld / mobile devices. Some have been know to use it on their desktops and I personally use it for Google as a way of significantly reducing the bandwidth they use. ==================== Install Instructions ====================
Release History ==================== 18th May 2011 - 1.0.0 Initial Release==================== Screen Shots ==================== ==================== Branding Free ==================== If you wish to remove the branding/copyright notice from the footer - send me a donation of an amount you can afford, or that you think is fair/reasonable, it's up to you how much. (can't get much fairer than that) You can do this by clicking the "Support Developer" link above (a few lines below the "Mark as Installed" link). ==================== Bugs fixes for next release ==================== Issue: extra "> in template forumhome_forumbit_level2_nopost Resolution: Search for Code:
<div class="windowbg">"> Code:
<div class="windowbg"> Inconsistencies in disaplying locked forums Resolution: See this post Spoiler (click to open)
Ok, I believe I fix the issue by adding this code in the "lightweight.css.php" script...
.old_lockwindowbg { padding: 3px; border-left:1px solid <?php echo $TitleBG; //$Border; ?>; border-right:1px solid <?php echo $TitleBG; //$Border; ?>; border-bottom:1px solid <?php echo $TitleBG; //$Border; ?>; } .old_lockwindowbg a { color:<?php echo $BodyFC; ?> } Close
Thanks. Download
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