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v3 Arcade Stats Widget or Forum Sideblock
Mod Version: 4.1.3, by Gemma

vB Version: 4.x.x Rating: (2 votes - 5.00 average) Installs: 31
Released: 30 Mar 2011 Last Update: 17 Dec 2012 Downloads: 215
Not Supported Uses Plugins Auto-Template Re-usable Code  

What is it?

A widget for users of vB4 Suite (should work with any version of vB 4) and v3 Arcade 2.0.x who want to show some arcade data on their CMS. This is basically the same as the vBadvanced CMPS module KW802 made, all I've done is adapt it for the Suite.

The Widget shows:
Latest Scores, Latest Highscore, Newest X Games, Most Played Games, Most Popular X Games (Rated), Random Game, Top Champions

How To Install

1. Download the attached product file and install it, upload the images to images/arcade.
2. Create New Widget

ADMIN CP > vBulletin CMS > Widgets > Create New Widget
Widget Type: PHP Direct Execution
Title: Arcade Statistics
Description: Widget To Display Arcade Stats On CMS.

Configure The Widget

Paste the following code into the box

global $vbulletin, $bbcode, $parser, $path, $db;
$g_limit = 5;
$g_champs_limit = 5;
$g_news_limit = 5;
$g_scores_limit = 5;
function get_games ($as_handle, $as_title, $limit) {
    global $vbulletin;
    switch ($as_handle) {
        case 'recent':
            $orderby = "dateadded DESC";
        case 'played':
            $orderby = "sessioncount DESC";
        case 'popular':
            $orderby = "votepoints DESC";
            $orderby = "gameid ASC";
    $getgames = $vbulletin->db->query("
            SELECT games.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            ORDER BY " . $orderby . "
            LIMIT $limit
    while ($game = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($getgames))
            $game['gamename'] = fetch_trimmed_title(stripslashes($game['title']),$maxtitlechars);
            $game['gamedate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $game['dateadded']);
            $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        switch ($as_handle) {
            case 'recent':
                $as_game_data = $game['gamedate'];
            case 'played':
                $as_game_data = "Played " . $game['sessioncount'] . " times";
            case 'popular':
                $as_game_data = $game['votepoints'] . " votes";
                $as_game_data = "";
            //eval('$as_gamebits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_gamebits') . '";');
            $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_gamebits');
          $as_gamebits .= $templater->render();
     // eval('$gametable = "' . fetch_template("v3a_CMS_as_{$as_handle}_gametable") . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_' . $as_handle . '_gametable');
    $gametable = $templater->render();
    return $gametable;
function get_champs ($limit) {
    global $vbulletin;
    $champs = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT COUNT(games.highscorerid) AS count, user.username, user.userid
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON user.userid = games.highscorerid
            WHERE user.userid IS NOT NULL
            GROUP BY user.username, user.userid
        ORDER BY count DESC, user.userid ASC
        LIMIT " . $limit
    $row = '0';
    $awards = '0';
    $leaders = '0';
    while ($champ = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($champs)) {
        if ($awards != $champ['count']) {
            $row = $leaders;
        $awards = $champ['count'];
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_champbits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_champbits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_champbits');
          $as_champbits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$champstable = "' . fetch_template("v3a_CMS_as_champstable") . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_champstable');
    $champstable = $templater->render();
    return $champstable;
function get_random_game () {
    global $vbulletin;
    $random_game = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
        SELECT gameid,title,description,stdimage,highscore,user.userid,user.username
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON user.userid = games.highscorerid
        ORDER BY RAND()
        LIMIT 1
    $as_random_gameid = $random_game[gameid];
        $as_random_gametitle = $random_game[title];
        $as_random_stdimage = $random_game[stdimage];
        $as_random_description = $random_game[description];
    if($random_game[highscore] == 0)
        $as_random_highscore     = "No Score";
        $as_random_highscorer    = "";
        $as_random_userid    = "";
        $as_random_highscore     = intval($random_game[highscore]);
        $as_random_highscorer    = "(" . $random_game[username] . ")";
        $as_random_userid    = $random_game[userid];
    //eval('$random_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_random') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_random');
    $random_table = $templater->render();
    return $random_table;
function get_latest_champs ($limit)
    global $vbulletin, $bbcode_parser;
    $news_items = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
        SELECT *
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_news
        WHERE newstext LIKE '%is the new%'
        ORDER BY datestamp DESC
        LIMIT $limit
    while ($news_item = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($news_items)) {
           //$as_news_text =  $bbcode_parser->do_parse($news_item['newstext'], 1, 1, 1, 0);
        $as_news_text = $news_item['newstext'];
        $as_news_text = str_replace("arcade.php", $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/arcade.php", $as_news_text);
        $as_news_date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],$news_item['datestamp']);
        $as_news_time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],$news_item['datestamp']);
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_newsbits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_newsbits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_newsbits');
          $as_newsbits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$news_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_newstable') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_newstable');
     $news_table = $templater->render();
    return $news_table;
function get_latest_scores ($limit)
    global $vbulletin;
    $latest_scores = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
        SELECT sessions.userid, sessions.gamename, sessions.gameid, sessions.score, sessions.start, sessions.finish,
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_sessions as sessions
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
            ON (sessions.userid = user.userid)
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games as games
            on (sessions.gameid = games.gameid)
        WHERE valid = 1
            AND tourid = 0
            AND challengeid = 0
        ORDER BY  sessions.sessionid DESC
        LIMIT $limit
    while ($latest_score = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($latest_scores)) {
        $as_score_userid = $latest_score['userid'];
        $as_score_gameid = $latest_score['gameid'];
        $as_score_name = $latest_score['username'];
        $as_score_score = floatval($latest_score['score']);
        $as_score_gametitle = $latest_score['title'];
        $as_score_date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],$latest_score['finish']);
        $as_score_time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],$latest_score['finish']);
        //echo "foo: $as_score_gametitle<br>\n";
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_scorebits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_scorebits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_scorebits');
          $as_scorebits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$score_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_scoretable') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_scoretable');
     $score_table = $templater->render();
    return $score_table;
$as_score_table = get_latest_scores($g_scores_limit);
$as_news_table = get_latest_champs($g_news_limit);
$as_random_table = get_random_game();
$as_champs_table = get_champs($g_champs_limit);
$as_recent_table = get_games("recent","Most Recent", $g_limit);
$as_played_table = get_games("played","Most Played", $g_limit);
$as_popular_table = get_games("popular","Most Popular", $g_limit);
$collapseobj_arcadestats = $vbcollapse['collapseobj_arcadestats'];
$collapseimg_arcadestats = $vbcollapse['collapseimg_arcadestats'];
//eval('$home[$mods[\'modid\']][\'content\'] .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_arcadestats') . '";');
$templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_arcadestats');
$output = $templater->render();
Add Widget to a Page

ADMIN CP > vBulletin CMS > Layout manager > Edit
Insert the Welcome widget and place it central

You can also change the amount of data display by adjust these values

$g_limit = 5;
$g_champs_limit = 5;
$g_news_limit = 5;
$g_scores_limit = 5;
And/or remove certain blocks from the stats by commenting out the relevent code from this section (see attached image for adjusted look)
4.0.8 - Initial release on
4.0.9 - Added images to the header titles
4.1 - Minor change to Champs block
4.1.1 - bug fix regarding tournament scores
4.1.2 - removed challenge scores from appearing in latest score block.
4.1.3 - Linked Latest Scores and Top Champs username to Member Profile Arcade Tab

How To Make Into A Forum Sideblock -

Spoiler (click to open)

I've also been able to use almost all the same templates and php code to make a forum sideblock.

1. Install the product as normal.

2. Create a new template called v3a_CMS_arcadestats1 and add the following code
<table align="left" width="100%">
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_score_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_news_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_random_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_champs_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_recent_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_played_table}</td></tr>
  <tr><td>{vb:raw as_popular_table}</td></tr>
3. Go to AdminCP > Forums & Moderators > Forum Block Manager > Add Block
Title - Arcade Stats (or whatever)
Content Type - PHP
Content -
global $vbulletin, $bbcode, $parser, $path, $db;
$g_limit = 5;
$g_champs_limit = 5;
$g_news_limit = 5;
$g_scores_limit = 5;
function get_games ($as_handle, $as_title, $limit) {
    global $vbulletin;
    switch ($as_handle) {
        case 'recent':
            $orderby = "dateadded DESC";
        case 'played':
            $orderby = "sessioncount DESC";
        case 'popular':
            $orderby = "votepoints DESC";
            $orderby = "gameid ASC";
    $getgames = $vbulletin->db->query("
            SELECT games.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            ORDER BY " . $orderby . "
            LIMIT $limit
    while ($game = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($getgames))
            $game['gamename'] = fetch_trimmed_title(stripslashes($game['title']),$maxtitlechars);
            $game['gamedate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $game['dateadded']);
            $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        switch ($as_handle) {
            case 'recent':
                $as_game_data = $game['gamedate'];
            case 'played':
                $as_game_data = "Played " . $game['sessioncount'] . " times";
            case 'popular':
                $as_game_data = $game['votepoints'] . " votes";
                $as_game_data = "";
            //eval('$as_gamebits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_gamebits') . '";');
            $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_gamebits');
          $as_gamebits .= $templater->render();
     // eval('$gametable = "' . fetch_template("v3a_CMS_as_{$as_handle}_gametable") . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_' . $as_handle . '_gametable');
    $gametable = $templater->render();
    return $gametable;
function get_champs ($limit) {
    global $vbulletin;
    $champs = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
            SELECT COUNT(games.highscorerid) AS count, user.username, user.userid
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON user.userid = games.highscorerid
            WHERE user.userid IS NOT NULL
            GROUP BY user.username, user.userid
        ORDER BY count DESC, user.userid ASC
        LIMIT " . $limit
    $row = '0';
    $awards = '0';
    $leaders = '0';
    while ($champ = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($champs)) {
        if ($awards != $champ['count']) {
            $row = $leaders;
        $awards = $champ['count'];
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_champbits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_champbits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_champbits');
          $as_champbits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$champstable = "' . fetch_template("v3a_CMS_as_champstable") . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_champstable');
    $champstable = $templater->render();
    return $champstable;
function get_random_game () {
    global $vbulletin;
    $random_game = $vbulletin->db->query_first("
        SELECT gameid,title,description,stdimage,highscore,user.userid,user.username
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games AS games
            LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON user.userid = games.highscorerid
        ORDER BY RAND()
        LIMIT 1
    $as_random_gameid = $random_game[gameid];
        $as_random_gametitle = $random_game[title];
        $as_random_stdimage = $random_game[stdimage];
        $as_random_description = $random_game[description];
    if($random_game[highscore] == 0)
        $as_random_highscore     = "No Score";
        $as_random_highscorer    = "";
        $as_random_userid    = "";
        $as_random_highscore     = intval($random_game[highscore]);
        $as_random_highscorer    = "(" . $random_game[username] . ")";
        $as_random_userid    = $random_game[userid];
    //eval('$random_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_random') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_random');
    $random_table = $templater->render();
    return $random_table;
function get_latest_champs ($limit)
    global $vbulletin, $bbcode_parser;
    $news_items = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
        SELECT *
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_news
        WHERE newstext LIKE '%is the new%'
        ORDER BY datestamp DESC
        LIMIT $limit
    while ($news_item = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($news_items)) {
           //$as_news_text =  $bbcode_parser->do_parse($news_item['newstext'], 1, 1, 1, 0);
        $as_news_text = $news_item['newstext'];
        $as_news_text = str_replace("arcade.php", $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/arcade.php", $as_news_text);
        $as_news_date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],$news_item['datestamp']);
        $as_news_time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],$news_item['datestamp']);
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_newsbits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_newsbits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_newsbits');
          $as_newsbits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$news_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_newstable') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_newstable');
     $news_table = $templater->render();
    return $news_table;
function get_latest_scores ($limit)
    global $vbulletin;
    $latest_scores = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
        SELECT sessions.userid, sessions.gamename, sessions.gameid, sessions.score, sessions.start, sessions.finish,
        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_sessions as sessions
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user
            ON (sessions.userid = user.userid)
        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "v3arcade_games as games
            on (sessions.gameid = games.gameid)
        WHERE valid = 1
            AND tourid = 0
          AND challengeid = 0
        ORDER BY  sessions.sessionid DESC
        LIMIT $limit
    while ($latest_score = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($latest_scores)) {
        $as_score_userid = $latest_score['userid'];
        $as_score_gameid = $latest_score['gameid'];
        $as_score_name = $latest_score['username'];
        $as_score_score = floatval($latest_score['score']);
        $as_score_gametitle = $latest_score['title'];
        $as_score_date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'],$latest_score['finish']);
        $as_score_time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'],$latest_score['finish']);
        //echo "foo: $as_score_gametitle<br>\n";
        $getbgrow = exec_switch_bg();
        //eval('$as_scorebits .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_scorebits') . '";');
        $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_scorebits');
          $as_scorebits .= $templater->render();
    //eval('$score_table = "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_as_scoretable') . '";');
    $templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_as_scoretable');
     $score_table = $templater->render();
    return $score_table;
$as_score_table = get_latest_scores($g_scores_limit);
$as_news_table = get_latest_champs($g_news_limit);
$as_random_table = get_random_game();
$as_champs_table = get_champs($g_champs_limit);
$as_recent_table = get_games("recent","Most Recent", $g_limit);
$as_played_table = get_games("played","Most Played", $g_limit);
$as_popular_table = get_games("popular","Most Popular", $g_limit);
$collapseobj_arcadestats = $vbcollapse['collapseobj_arcadestats'];
$collapseimg_arcadestats = $vbcollapse['collapseimg_arcadestats'];
//eval('$home[$mods[\'modid\']][\'content\'] .= "' . fetch_template('v3a_CMS_arcadestats1') . '";');
$templater = vB_Template::create('v3a_CMS_arcadestats1');
$output = $templater->render();
As with the CMS block you can comment parts out if you don't want them to display, for example if you only want the latest scores and latest champions you would comment the rest of the blocks out like so
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version
Name:	sidebar.jpg
Views:	108
Size:	30.2 KB
ID:	132990  


Finally, I'm blonde and never done anything like this before, so now you're warned......use at your own risk

For vBAdvanced Module -

If anyone wants to further develop any of my addons, you are free to do so.


File Type: %1$s (4.9 KB, 162 downloads)
File Type: %1$s product-v3arcade-CMS-stats.xml (8.2 KB, 61 downloads)


Click image for larger version
Name:	adjusted.jpg
Views:	502
Size:	115.1 KB
ID:	127778   Click image for larger version
Name:	full.jpg
Views:	588
Size:	150.3 KB
ID:	127779   Click image for larger version
Name:	sidebar.jpg
Views:	676
Size:	113.6 KB
ID:	127780  

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