Signatures once per thread page for vB 4
Signatures once per thread page for vB 4
Version 1.0.2 (By Boofo) What does this product do? This will allow signatures to only appear once per thread page for each user. Version Information: Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vB 4 Version 1.0.1 --Optimized and cleaned up code. The auto/manual template edits are no longer required. Thanks goes out to Adrian Schneider for the cleaner way to do this. Version 1.0.2 --Added forum setting to allow all signatures to show in certain forums. Thanks goes out to HMBeaty for the KITA and help to add the setting as well as beta testing. Installation overview: ---------------------------- 1 Product XML (3 Plugin, 6 Phrases and 1 setting) Installation Instructions: ---------------------------- 1. Go to your Admin CP Scroll down to 'Plugin System' Click 'Manage Products' Click 'Add/Import Product' Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_signature_once.xml file on your computer 2. Go to "vBulletin Options -> Signatures once per thread page" and set the following option: --Signatures once per thread page: Click yes to have signatures show only once per thread page for each user. 3. Go to your Admin CP -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Manager and set the following option in each forum: --Show all signatures in this forum: (Set this to 'No' to prevent all signatures from being viewed in this forum) -- Default is No ---------------------------------------------- Done! Enjoy! Code:
if ($mark_as_installed != 'clicked') { $you_get = 'squat'; } else { $you_get = 'support'; } Download
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