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Move Facebook Connect
by Necrovaris 23 Sep 2010

This explains how to move the facebook connect to any template you wish.
Items in red are things you need to change and will have an explination in brackets

1) Go to your Admin CP > Plugins and Products > Add New Plugin

2) In The Fields enter as below

Hook Location - parse_templates
Title - Move Facebook Connect to xxxxxxx (whichever template you are moving it to)
Plugin is Active - Yes
Plugin PHP Code
vB_Template::preRegister('xxxxx', array('facebook_header' => $facebook_header));
(the exact name of the template you are moving it to)
Save and reload

3) In Admin CP > Styles and Templates > Style Manager > select style > edit templates > header

Open up the header template, find the code

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']">
{vb:raw facebook_header}
And remove it. Save the template.

4) Open up your template you selected in step 2, and place the code below whereever you wish to move your facebook connect to.

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['enablefacebookconnect']">
<ul style="float:right; clear:none;">
{vb:raw facebook_header}
5) Save the template and your done! supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024