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Using your User Profile Fields in your postbit templates (w/ all plugin method)
by Lynne 13 Sep 2010

This article is written with the assumption that you have already created your own User Profile Fields in the User Profile Field Manager. If you need help with this, you may read about it in the manual here -

For the Purposes of this article, I will be referring to "fieldx" as the name of your profile field. Your real name will be found in the User Profile Manager in the "Name" column - field1, field2, etc.

Adding the Profile Field to your postbit (or postbit_legacy) template

For Single-Line Text Box, Multiple-Line Text Box, Single-Selection Radio Buttons, and Single-Selection Menu

Method 1
- Modifying the Template
Open the postbit or postbit_legacy template and find the area you want to add it to. For instance, to add it right after the user post count, find this:
<dt>{vb:rawphrase 'posts'}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.posts}</dd>
And then, add this underneath:
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx']"><dt>My FieldX</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.fieldx}</dd></vb:if>
Change "fieldx" to your actual field name and the green field to whatever you want. Notice the html I used is similar to the html used for the text above me new field.
Method 2 - Using a template_hook
I have always found it easier to just use the existing $template_hooks in the template and write a plugin to add these. In this case, there is a $template_hook right where we want it, after the user post count:
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
So, we would create a plugin with these specifications:
• hook location - postbit_display_complete
• Title - Add User Profile Fields to Postbit Templates
• Plugin is Active - Yes
• Plugin PHP Code -
if ($post['fieldx'])
    $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= '<dt>My FieldX</dt> <dd>' .$post[fieldx]. '</dd>';
Change "fieldx" to your actual field name and the green field to whatever you want. Again, notice the html I used is similar to the html used for the text above me new field. Whichever template_hook you use, you should look at the template to see what sort of html is being used around the hook so that you may use similar, proper html also.
For Multiple-Selection Menu and Multiple-Selection Checkbox

It is a bit more complicated for these two types of selections since the options selected are stored as a binary number. If you just display the field using the method above, you will get a number, not a list of options selected. So, in order to use these types of fields, you will have to use the method below. Here is a thead that will explain the binary scheme -

Method 1
- Modifying the Template
Open the template and find the area you want to add it to. For instance, to add it right after the user post count, find this:
<dt>{vb:rawphrase 'posts'}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw  post.posts}</dd>
And then add this underneath (this is assuming the field has 5 options):
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx']"><dt>My FieldX</dt><dd>
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx'] & 1">Your 1rst option</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx'] & 2">Your 2nd option</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx'] & 4">Your 3rd option</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx'] & 8">Your 4th option</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldx'] & 16">Your 5th option</vb:if>
Change "fieldx" to your actual field name and the green field to whatever you want. Notice the html I used is similar to the html used for the text above me new field.
Method 2 - Using a template_hook
Find the template_hook you want to use. In this case, there is a $template_hook right where we want it, after the user post count:
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
So, we would create a plugin with these specifications:
• hook location - postbit_display_complete
• Title - Add User Profile Fields to Postbit Templates
• Plugin is Active - Yes
• Plugin PHP Code -
if ($post['fieldx'])
    $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= '<dt>My FieldX</dt> <dd>';
    if ($post['fieldx'] & 1)  $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= 'Your 1rst option';
    if ($post['fieldx'] & 2)  $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= 'Your 2nd option';
    if ($post['fieldx'] & 4)  $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= 'Your 3rd option';
    if ($post['fieldx'] & 8)  $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= 'Your 4th option';
    if ($post['fieldx'] & 16)  $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= 'Your 5th option';
    $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= '</dd>';
Change "fieldx" to your actual field name and the green field to whatever you want. Again, notice the html I used is similar to the html used for the text above me new field. Whichever template_hook you use, you should look at the template to see what sort of html is being used around the hook so that you may use similar, proper html also.
More Advanced

If you like everything to be 'automatic' - meaning you don't have to supply any text at all, just use everything already stored in the database - then you can use a few of plugins to do the work for you.

Plugin 1
- This plugin is used to get the phrasegroup "cprofilefield" added for use in the page so that you may use $vbphrase[fieldx_title] to get the Profile Field Title you entered in the User Profile Field Manager.
• hook location - init_startup
• Title - Add User Profile Fields to Postbit Templates - 1
• Plugin is Active - Yes
• Plugin PHP Code -
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread') $GLOBALS['phrasegroups'][] = 'cprofilefield';
Plugin 2 - This plugin is used to get the fields you defined for the profile in the User Profile Field Manager.
• hook location - showthread_postbit_create
• Title - Add User Profile Fields to Postbit Templates - 2
• Plugin is Active - Yes
• Plugin PHP Code -
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread') {
    $profilefieldx =  $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT profilefieldid, data, type  FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "profilefield WHERE profilefieldid = x");
    $post['profilefieldx'] = $profilefieldx;
Plugin 3 - This plugin simply spits the data out into the postbit using the template_hook and using the phrase for the Title and the Options are all spit out with commas between them (if needed) into the postbit.
• hook location - postbit_display_complete
• Title - Add User Profile Fields to Postbit Templates - 3
• Plugin is Active - Yes
• Plugin PHP Code -
// for single-line fields - using fieldy
if ($post['fieldy']) {
     $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= '<dt>' .$vbphrase[fieldy_title]. '</dt> <dd>' .$post[fieldy]. '</dd>';
// for multiple-selection fields - using filedx
if ($post['fieldx'])
    $fieldarrayx = $post['profilefieldx'];
    fetch_profilefield_display($fieldarrayx, $post['fieldx']);
    $template_hook['postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts'] .= '<dt>' .$vbphrase[fieldx_title]. '</dt> <dd>' .$fieldarrayx['value']. '</dd>'; 
Change "fieldx" to your actual field name and the orange, purple, and brown fields should 'match-up' and have the same names. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024