Steam Group Status
This is my first mod, so be gentle
![]() I will try my best to offer support for whatever questions/issues may arise. If anyone wishes to enhance the code or the look or anything in particular to this mod, please share it with us. (Look on the top right, you will see it there) With this tutorial I assume that you have installed as this tutorial goes with that mod. Installation: 1. Download and Unzip to your vbulletin installation directory so that the steamstats.php in the modules folder goes into your vbulletin_directory/modules/steamstats.php and steamstats folder goes to your vbulletin_directory/steamstats Ex: home/public_html/steamstats home/public_html/modules/steamstats.php 2. Open up steamstats/steamstats.php and on the top edit "" to match your own group's link. 3. Go to Admincp>Style Manager>headinclude All the way at the bottom add: Code:
<LINK href="steamstats/steamstats.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> Under file to include, choose steamstats.php Use Module Wrapper Template, set to> NO 5. Save the module and add it to wherever you want to. Hope you enjoyed installing this small nice mod! In return please , and if anyone can figure out how to do these type of signatures/stat trackers such as here: (The steam profile (left), The steam avatar icon (middle) and the games the player has (right) and this:, then please PM me so that you can share your info ![]() Thanks! Download
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