Thread Starter in Postbit for vB 4
Thread Starter in Postbit for vB 4
Version 1.0.3 (By Boofo) What does this product do? This will add a thread starter icon/text to the postbit. There are 4 locations to choose from (2 icon and 2 text). I know this had been done already, but I didn't like how it showed in the postbit. You do not have to have a signature for this to work. This product is just an upgrade to the manual template edit I have used in the past. Note: This product was written using the postbit_legacy template and has not been tested on the postbit template, although it should work fine. Version Information: Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vBulletin 4.0.0 Version 1.0.1 --Fixed to work for vB 4.0.4 Version 1.0.2 --Added 2 new locations with highlighted text. Version 1.0.3 --All 4 options are now linked to the first post of the thread. Also fixed a template cache error that was showing up for PMs. Installation Overview: ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Product XML (2 Plugins, 1 template, 7 phrases and 1 setting) 1 image file Installation Instructions: ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Upload thread_starter.gif to the forums/images/misc folder on your site. 2. Go to your Admin CP Scroll down to 'Plugins & Products' Click 'Manage Products' Click 'Add/Import Product' Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_threadstarter.xml file on your computer 3. Go to your Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> 'Thread Starter in Postbit' and set the following option: --Show Thread Starter Icon/Text?: This will add the Thread Starter icon/text to your chosen location in the postbit. --"No" will disable the Thread Starter icon/text from showing anywhere in the postbit. (Default) --"Yes, Show icon under userinfo" will place the Thread Starter icon under the userinfo. --"Yes, Show icon in message area" will place the Thread Starter icon at the top right of the message area. --"Yes, Show text in button bar" will place the highlighted Thread Starter text in the button bar at the bottom of the post. --"Yes, Show text in message area" will place the highlighted Thread Starter text at the top center of the message area. ----------------------------------------------------- Done! Enjoy! Code:
if ($mark_as_installed != 'clicked') { $you_get = 'squat'; } else { $you_get = 'support'; } Download
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