DONATIONS - Icon for those who've made a donation - POSBIT or POSTBIT_LEGACY vB 4.0.x
What is this?
This is a little hack/mod/template change (call it what you will). ![]() When a member makes a Money Donation to the forum - They can get rewarded by placing a small 'Gold Trophy Icon' (see Pic) beneath their username in the Postbit or Postbit_Legacy. (depandant of which one your forum uses). Hover you mouse over that Icon Image and you will see " XXX has made a donation to the forum!" What Do I do? You do the following... STEP 1; Upload the donation.gif image to your forums images/misc folder, in your forums route directory. STEP 2; Set Up a Usergroup. This usergroup will have a donation Trophy with alt code, displayed under the Members USERNAME in their Postbit or postbit_Legacy (dependant on which you use). AdminCP-> Usergroups -> Add New Usergroup -> Create Usergroup Based off of Usergroup: Registered Users Default Forum Permissions: You choose this Title: Donators Description: The Members of this Group have all made one or more Donations to the forum User Title: Leave this Blank Username HTML Markup: Leave this Blank Password Expiry: Leave this Blank Password History: Leave this Blank Public Groups Settings: Public (Joinable) Custom Usergroups: No Can override primary group title/markup: No The rest of this Groups permissions is only known by and can be set, by you. CLICK SAVE ! STEP 3: Postbit Template Edit: AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Style (mine is Default Style) -> << >> -> Postbit Templates -> postbit -> FIND: Code:
<span class="postbit_reputation" id="repdisplay_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reputationdisplay}</span> </vb:if> <vb:if condition="$post['userid']"> Code:
<!-- Wy Donation Icon in postbit Start --> <vb:if condition="is_member_of($post, X)"><img src="http://WWW. YOUR FORUM ADDRESS.COM/images/misc/trophy.gif" width="19" height="18" alt="{vb:raw post.username} has made a donation to the forum!" border="0"></vb:if><br/><br/> <!-- Wy Donation Icon in postbit End --> SAVE STEP 4; Adding the Member to the Donators Usergroup: All you need to do now is to add a Member to that usergroup, and the way in which to do this, Is AdminCP -> Users -> Search for User -> Enter the Username and Click Exact Match. Under Usergroup Options on the right, Select the Donators tickbox. (See picture UM1 in attachments below). Click Save. Now you will see the Trophy Icon on the Members Postbit. And that is it ! Please Click Installed and Rate this Mod. EDIT: I recommend using this mod in conjunction with Valters mod here: VSa - PayPal Donate . Download
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