Logo Rotator
This small hack/scrpit will rotate logo in vb4.x (In fact I have been using this script since vb 3.6) I got this script from the Internet long time back so all the credit goes to the author of the script. Installation: 1) You need to upload the contents of the folder "upload" to the root directory of your site. 2) Then upload the logo's you want to rotate to "images/titleimage/" directory. (Delete example images from this folder else they will be used by rotation script) ---Images must be of all same size else the page jumps as the images gets taller or shorter. --- Images can be in jpg, gif and png format. 3) Edit the title image path in stylevars to "images/titleimage/logo.php". (See screenshot) Updates: 22 Dec 09: Working with vBulletin 4.0.0 (Gold) . Download
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