Users Cleanup
This mod helps to automatically delete user account upon custom-defined rules. For example, you can delete members, who didn't comfirmed emails after 3 days, delete members, who have zero posts and didn't visited your forum for a long time, and so on.
Any conditions can be defined! Cleanup can be done in both automatic and manual mode. Difference between built-in vB user pruner: 1. Completely automated. 2. Comfotable management of multiple rules. 3. More flexible prune criterias. Some stat for my forum (only zero-posts users were cleared): - last user ID 50652 - total users left 19359 60% effectivity!!! Installation: Upload files and import product XML. Configuration:
PS. Product is marked as beta, because i can't test all possible rules combinations. But those been used - works fine. If you have strange results duging testing, don't hesitate to post screenshot with your rule, and explain what is wrong. Was NOT tested with 3.6.x & 3.7.x, but probably works. This mod is delelopped here . Patches are welcome. Download (12.2 KB, 766 downloads) Supporters / CoAuthors
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