vB News Ticker - Your Blogs RSS Feeds and Forums in a Marquee
What does this do?
It allows you to take your news from your forums (up to 10), blogs (up to 10), and/or RSS feeds (up to 10) and display them in a ticker (marquee). You have a choice on how many you can pull from each forum as a whole or select your whole site, how fast you want the ticker to scroll, the length of the title of each news item, colors, etc. You can also add RSS feeds and the latest blogs. Install Instructions Step 1: Fresh Install If you intend to use the RSS features, upload the RSS folder to the root of your forums. If you rename this folder or change the location, you MUST edit the path in the XML file for each of the require_once 'rss/rss_fetch.inc'; paths. Go to your admin Control Panel => Plugin System => Manage Products => [Add/Import Product]; Click Browse and find product-davidw_vbnews_ticker.xml Click Import Upgrade Options: Go to your admin Control Panel => Plugin System => Manage Products => [Add/Import Product]; Click Browse and find product-davidw_vbnews_ticker.xml [If upgrading] Click the button next to Yes in Allow Overwrite Click Import You will probably want to revert any templates you have altered as most changes people have requested are now integrated. Step 2: Edit the admincp options *** IMPORTANT *** Make sure that if you do not enter an item in the forumIDs after the first one, the rest must be set to 0 - if it is not set to 0 or a forumid number, it will result in a database error. Step 3: Go to your admin Control Panel => Styles & Templates => Style Manager Find your Master/Parent style or the style you wish to add this to and drop down the All Style Options menu dropdown and choose Edit Templates Click Go if it does not redirect you For your Forums Directory: Open up your Forum Home Templates subdirectory and choose your FORUMHOME template Find: PHP Code:
<!-- main -->
PHP Code:
For all your web pages (Navigation Bar) Open up your Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates subdirectory and choose Navbar template Find: PHP Code:
<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
PHP Code:
Frequently Asked Questions How do I add the news ticker to my vB Advanced? To get the ticker in your vbadvanced, you need to add global output variables Admin CP => vBa CMPS => Default Settings => Portal Output Global Variables and put vbnews_ticker in there. How do I add the news ticker to the IBProArcade or Photoplog? Thanks to Mark.B for his add - Spoiler (click to open)
Quote by davidw
As I don't use this mod myself, I can't vouch for the below, but try this:
ibproarcade: edit the file arcade/functions/functions.php Find: Code:
global $header, Code:
$vbnews_ticker, Photoplog: the same variable needs to be added into admincp > Photoplog > modify settings > global variables. Add "vbnews_ticker" to the list on a new line. Note....no "$" at the start!! vBPlaza I dunno as I have not used it, but it will be something similar to one of the above. This sorts it out for most modifications. Hopefully it will for this. Close
Why does this seem slow? For a couple links or for a couple displayed items per link/news item, it should display fine, but as you add more (fill up) each potential slot and up the number of items to pull it will take longer to load. It it easy to add up fast. This uses anywhere from 1-30 queries depending on how many you use. What is the forumid? The forumid is the id of the forum you have created. Each forum has its own unique number assigned to it. When you click on a forum link you can see a number that is assigned to it. This will show up in the URL of the page you are browsing. Another way of seeing the forumid is to go to your admin control panel => Forums & Moderators => Forum Manager => Click on [Expand All] and then move your mouse over (hover) any of the forums you've created. Your status bar (bottom of screen) should display your forumid (number at the end of the link/url). How do I change the colors? It's an admincp option now ![]() Ticker Background Color: If you leave this blank, it will stay your forum colors. If you put in a hex value, it will change to that color. Please use 000000 - FFFFFF only. Ticker Color: If you leave this blank, it will stay your forum colors. If you put in a hex value, it will change to that color. Please use 000000 - FFFFFF only. If you want alternating colors do this (You need to edit the plugin to make this work.): Find: PHP Code:
$ticker_titles .= '<a href="showthread.php?t='. $ticker['threadid'] .'" title="'. $ticker['title'] .'" target="blank">'. $ticker['title'] .'</a> '. $ticksep.'';
PHP Code:
$tick_color = ($color % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
In the plugin, find each instance of showthread.php?t= (or whatever the page is) and change part to a full url. Example: http://www.yoursite.com/showthread.php?t= Download
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