[BB Code] YouTube Javascript Embed
Show YouTube videos directly in your vBulletin forum posts.
Very easy to install and please Mark as Installed if you decide to use it, thanks. Changes to my old YouTube embed: 1. All videos are now larger (640x480 pixels) 2. All videos are now shown in high quality and stereo sound (if available) 3. You can now embed videos in HD (if available) 4. Valid XHTML code (works in all modern browsers and operating systems). Installation is as follows: 1. Go To AdminCP. 2. Select Custom BB Codes. 3. Add New BB Code. 4. Fill in the following: Title: YouTube BB Code Tag: yt Replacement: HTML Code:
<script src="http://www.yourforum.com/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" > AC_FL_RunContent('codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0','width','640','height','480','src','http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}&ap=%2526fmt%3D18','quality','high','wmode','transparent','name','youtube','allowscriptaccess','sameDomain','pluginspage','http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer','movie','http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}&ap=%2526fmt%3D18' );</script> 5. Upload the included javascript file to your forum root: Change the example URL: http://www.yourforum.com to your own URL. 6. Edit the code above to the exact location of the javascript file you just uploaded. Example: [yt]1EutKrKTfLk[/yt] Description: YouTube Use {Option}: No When installed, use the code in your forum like this: HTML Code:
[yt]1EutKrKTfLk[/yt] HTML Code:
[yt]1EutKrKTfLk&ap=%2526fmt%3D22[/yt] Download
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