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Shadow's Banning Method (Get those asshats to lose interest!)
by ti07shadow 15 Feb 2009

Many of you are probably tired of those trolls, flamers or even ass hats. but the first thing you must do is identify these users. After you have done so, we recommend this step to step process of keeping these users off and making them lose interest in your forum.

Step 1: Ban the user

The first thing you need to do is ban them, ban them both by ip and email, after you have done this move them to the banned usergroup.

Step 2: Redirect banned users

Medtech has developed a cleaver way of hiding your website from banned users. you can view his mod here. Or you can copy the code below and place it in your forums header template.

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 8">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">
Step 3: Prevent false emails

Alright well its obvious that someone will create a fake email and get on your forums if you didn't activate email verification. However alot of users complain that they don't receive their emails. Also when a user registers and uses a fake email or doesn't activate their account they are annoyingly placed in the unactivated user group, to resolve this issue please use this mod, It requires users to validate their email before registering. Also they cannot use any other email than the validated one unless they validate another.

The mod is known as vMail

Step 4: Cleaver Tactics
There are other various mods that supposed to be able to block or detect proxies and I recommend them because they will cut down some proxy usage but the chances of it blocking are slim. You also need to keep an eye out for this user if they do return. It also helps to find ways of extending the registration process by using stuff such as enhanced image verification. Don't forget to disable multiple accounts!!!

Step 5: Good luck
All I can say is good luck and hope this helped! There are many other methods you can try but I have used these and they seem to help. Also as for the banned member redirection, make it less obvious that they were banned, have the m redirected to a page that makes it look like the site doesn't exist anymore or what ever you want. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024