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[How To] Paginate Admin CP Results
by Iain M 02 Jan 2009

Had just finished developing a hack, and realized over time that the pages in the admin cp would become quite long if they weren't paginated, so I ventured into the modcp/banning.php file to help me out...

This article is for hack authors, and presumes you are familiar with vBulletin and PHP in general.

First block of code...
PHP Code:
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'pagenumber'   => TYPE_UINT,

$perpage 25;//number of results per page
$vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] = 1;
$start = ($vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] - 1) * $perpage;

//count the number of rows
$rewardscount $db->query_first("
        SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "table_name
$pagecount ceil($rewardscount['count'] / $perpage); 
Things to change are the $perpage variable, the table_name.

Then the output of the pagination...
PHP Code:
        if($pagecount 1){
$pagenav "<strong>$vbphrase[go_to_page]</strong>";
            for (
$thispage 1$thispage <= $pagecount$thispage++){
$thispage == $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']){
$pagenav .= " <strong>[$thispage]</strong> ";
                } else {
$pagenav .= " <a href=\"incent_admin.php?$session[sessionurl]do=rewards&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> "//your admin cp page and do=

print_description_row($pagenavfalse4'''right'); //change 4 to your colspan

Here you have to change incent_admin.php to your filename and the do=, and the 4 in the print_description_row.

Then there's your query:
PHP Code:
        $getrewards $db->query_read("
            SELECT rewardid, name, points, cost
            FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "table_name
            ORDER BY rewardid ASC
All you just need to add to your query is the LIMIT $start, $perpage.

If you've done it correctly you should have page navigation on your admin cp page.

Here's the code in full from one of my pages, if you don't understand anything above:
PHP Code:
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'pagenumber'   => TYPE_UINT,

$perpage 25;
$vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] = 1;
$start = ($vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] - 1) * $perpage;

$rewardscount $db->query_first("
        SELECT COUNT(rewardid) AS count
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "incent_rewards
$pagecount ceil($rewardscount['count'] / $perpage);
print_table_header("Incent Rewards"40'''center'0);
'<tr><td align="center" class="thead">Reward</td>';
'<td align="center" class="thead">Points Required</td>';
'<td align="center" class="thead">Cost</td>';    
'<td align="center" class="thead">Info</td></tr>';
$pagecount 1){
$pagenav "<strong>$vbphrase[go_to_page]</strong>";
            for (
$thispage 1$thispage <= $pagecount$thispage++){
$thispage == $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']){
$pagenav .= " <strong>[$thispage]</strong> ";
                } else {
$pagenav .= " <a href=\"incent_admin.php?$session[sessionurl]do=rewards&amp;page=$thispage\" class=\"normal\">$thispage</a> ";

$getrewards $db->query_read("
            SELECT rewardid, name, points, cost
            FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "incent_rewards
            ORDER BY rewardid ASC
$reward $db->fetch_array($getrewards)){
$cell[1] .= "<a href=\"incent_admin.php?do=edit_reward&rewardid=$reward[rewardid]\">$reward[name]</a>";
$cell[2] .= "$reward[points]";
$cell[3] .= "$reward[cost]";
$cell[4] .= "<a href=\"incent_admin.php?do=reward_stats&rewardid=$reward[rewardid]\">Stats</a> / <a href=\"incent_admin.php?do=edit_reward&rewardid=$reward[rewardid]\">Edit</a> / <a onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this reward?');\" href=\"incent_admin.php?do=delete_reward&rewardid=$reward[rewardid]\">Delete</a>";
'<tr><td align="center" class="alt1" colspan="4"><a style="font-weight: bold;" href="incent_admin.php?do=add_reward">Add Reward</a></td></tr>';        
(Phrases are hard coded coz the hack is just for my own use, for now)

Also, thanks to Revan for his [How-To] Paginate your results for user pages. supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024