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Forum Tournaments & Ladders
Mod Version: 2.8.4, by bananalive

vB Version: 3.8.x Rating: (81 votes - 4.74 average) Installs: 683
Released: 28 Aug 2008 Last Update: 06 Jun 2011 Downloads: 6446
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Template Additional Files Translations  

[] [Version History

Spoiler (click to open)

Version History

v2.8.4: 18 May 2009
- fixed edit comment link
- security fix

v2.8.3: 5 May 2009
- fixed elo rating bug
- fixed edit player

v2.8.2: 2 May 2009
- deleting categories
- improved elo rating system
- other minor fixes

v2.8.1: 11 April 2009
- When no categories, ladders displays instead of uncategories ladders (same for tournaments)
- cannot view categories not assigned to ladders/ tournaments
- fix link to ladder challenges in ladder tools
- delete categories
- delete ladder link fixed

v2.8.0: 8 April 2009
- Added website, gamertag fields for teams
- Improved layout for Ladder Challenges (team section)
- Pop-up with tournaments joined/ won
- Reduced queries on Tournament Display by 1 (or 2 if there are no comments)
- No of comments in Tournament Details
- Team members can 'Leave Team'
- Tournament/ Ladder Categories

v2.7.8: 24 March 2009
- Improved layout for Ladder Challenges (player section)
- Bug fixes for 64 player Single Elimination tournaments

v2.7.7: 11 March 2009
- fixed bug with single elimination 2 people tournament
- fixed bug with pm'ing self tournament details

v2.7.6: 19 February 2009
- Start Tournament (in Tournament Tools)
- Bye Players (automatically added for single elimination tournaments when 'Start tournament' is clicked; they cannot be moved to next round; uses $vbphrase[tmnt_bye_player] - can be blank)

v2.7.5: 4 February 2009
- Additional avatar resizing in ladder and tournament comments
- Date of tournament changed to default 2009
- Profile stats only on showthread & showpost
- Fixed few uncached templates
- Admins (usergroupid: 6) can view mod when it is set as inactive in vboptions
- Latest announcements scrolling at top of mod
- Reduced product file by 35%
- Fixed ladder bug where last activity of new players is wrong apart from on the first page
- Error messages moved to phrases for easier translation
- Easier processing of 'Admin Add Player' - userid field hidden, requires exact member's name, redirects to add another player

v2.7.4: 27 December 2008
- Fixed joining tournament error

v2.7.3: 23 December 2008
- Admin can add ladder matches
- Admin can submit score for ladder match
- JavaScript Elo Rating Calculator at

v2.7.2: 17 December 2008
- Fixes from pre-release
- Script optimisation
- Special thanks to IR15H for validating HTML

v2.7.1: 10 December 2008
- More ladder statistics

v2.7.0: 9 December 2008
- Script optimisation

v2.6.9: 8 December 2008
- Fixed security flaw

v2.6.8: 16 November 2008
- Fixed reported bugs

v2.6.7: 15 November 2008
- Paging for ladder competitors definable in vB Options
- Improved ladder template
- reduction/ optimisation in queries per page
- missing templates added to template cache

v2.6.6: 10 November 2008
- Ladder competitors can leave ladders (and rejoin at later date with score intact - stops cheating)
- Those that can edit ladders can make ladder competitors leave ladder (the competitor can rejoin at later date with score intact)
- Your Challenges displayed for single ladders

v2.6.5: 8 November 2008
- Removed image widths for edit buttons (so they display correctly for custom buttons)
- Added spacing in ladder template after Ranking, Recent matches, Upcoming Matches
- Fixed Join Ladder link displaying on Recent Matches & Upcoming Matches pages for ladder competitors

v2.6.4: 6 November 2008
- Viewing team page auto-checks and corrects Team's Member Count
- Recent Matches added to Ladders
- Upcoming matches added to Ladders

v2.6.3: 4 November 2008
- Fixed admin add player not updating team noplayers bug
- fixed array error on team profiles

v2.6.2: 3 November 2008
- Fixed LMS tournament minor bug
- Added ajax edit score for LMS tournament (double click on score to edit it and click away to save it)
- Special Usergroups can add Forum Members to Any Team without confirmation from team leader or the forum member

v2.6.1: 1 November 2008
- Team Ladders
- Fixed tournament stats in profile
- Close ladder - no new challenges/ joins
- Sticky Ladders - appear at top of ladder list
- Global name for modification (set in Tournament Options)
- Updated design of few templates

v2.5.9: 22 October 2008
- Improved team list
- + Search by first letter
- + Paging

v2.5.8: 20 October 2008
- New Tournament Options
- + set bracket color
- + set number of tournaments/ ladders/ announcements to display on front page
- Fixed error with delete team member
- Team Leaders can promote team members to Leader or Co-Leader
- Tournament stats in postbit can be turned on/off in Tournament Options

v2.5.7: 16 October 2008
- if player lost the last game to have a down arrow, if player won the last match have a up arrow
- added more space in brackets for rounds not yet started
- fixed space in top navigation
- drop down menu on ladder click competitors username

v2.5.5: 15 October 2008
- Swap/ replace players for Single Elimination Tournaments
- newly designed tournament display template

v2.5.4: 13 October 2008
- Added sticky & close tournament options
- Bug Fixes
- Added maximum/ minimum members in team for teams joining tournament
- K-Value (used for ladder elo rating system) settable in Tournament Settings

v2.5.3: 12 October 2008
- Ban userids
- Added redirect messages to all redirects

v2.5.2: 11 October 2008
- Elo rating system for ladders
- Ladders winning/ losing streak & last ladder activity (date)
- Uses images of style instead of default style

v2.4.9: 6 October 2008
- Bug/ error fixes

v2.4.8: 5 October 2008
- Small fix for 32 player Single Elimination Tournament
- Fix for index
- Rules editable by moderators
- Added bbcode: [newbox=$1]$2[/newbox]

v2.4.7: 4 October 2008
- Option to delete announcements
- Fixed multiple team name issue
- New Top Navigation Menu
- Changed Side Navigation
- Added index page
- Navbar link auto-insert uses hooks
- vBoptions navbar name change
- added tournament rules (edit template tmnt_rules - for each style - will be changed in next version )

v2.4.6: 2 October 2008
- Bug Fixes
- installation/uninstallation compatibility for those who have lost some tables or columns in their database
- Tournament Announcements

v2.4.4: 30 September 2008
- Combined with Ladder Modification

v2.4.2: 28 September 2008
- Bug Fixes

v2.4.1: 27 September 2008
- Added more team logos options
- Fixed some flaws
- Changed 1v1 phrase to Single Elimination

v2.4: 25 September 2008
- Added team logos
- Changed template for new team and edit team
- Added Delete player from team
- Left Tournament Navigation can be turned off in tournament options
- Fixed possible permissions flaw

v2.3.9: 24 September 2008
- Fixed bug for full inbox
- Fixed several errors
- Allowed bbcode for Team Tags
- Added swap player for LMS
- Added sidebar navigation

v2.3.8: 23 September 2008
- Leader can delete tournaments
- Added usergroup permission to edit/delete all teams

v2.3.7: 22 September 2008
- Fixed WOL Error

v2.3.6: 22 September 2008
- Several bug fixes
- Added teams

v2.2.1: 13 September 2008
- Regress Player (if tournament hasnt finished)
- Improved tournaments results and progression for Single Elimination

v2.2: 13 September 2008
- Ajax/Javascript userid fetch for add player
- Removed permissions for guests to PM details to self
- Tournament Description added to Tournament List
- Tournament Description length in Tournament Settings

v2.1: 12 September 2008
- Custom phrases fixes

v2.0.x: 9 September 2008
- Improved Timestamps
- Tournaments have proper Date/ Time
- Changed database table to allow translations
- Tournament Moderators pm all competitors with custom message and title (permissions set to bypass max pm recipients restrictions)

v1.9: 4 September 2008
- Shows user and time of last edit of comments

v1.8.1: 3 September 2008
- Fixed comments

v1.8: 2 September 2008
- Increase/ Decrease Tournament Slots
- Fixed possible security problem
- Users can PM themselves the details of the tournament
- Added Icons to Tournament Information (All icons included in default vBulletin Style - No Extras Image Upload Necessary)

v1.7: 2 September 2008
- Template Caching Fix
- Comment paging (set in vbulletin options)
- Delete/ Remove player if tournament hasn't started (players can remove themselves and tournament mods can remove all players)
- Avatars stay in correct dimensions for comments
- Added Who's Online Plugins (made by glorify)

v1.6: 1 September 2008
- Javascript LMS fix
- Edit tournament type if not started yet
- Add Score type (points, wins, kills, deaths, etc.) for LMS tournaments
- Edit Comments

v1.5: 1 September 2008
- Fixed Single Elimination Template Error
- Added Avatars to Tournament Comments
- Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)

v1.4b: 31 August 2008
- Fixed Missing Template

v1.4a: 31 August 2008
- Fixed MYSQL Error

v1.4: 31 August 2008
- Fixed Permissions
- Tournament Stats in Member Profile
- Tournament Stats in Postbit
- Add Players
- LMS Ranking Improved (Shows if players are equal positions)
- Tournament View Counter
- Latest Comment at Bottom

v1.3a: 30 August 2008
- Fixed Create Thread glitch

v1.3: 30 August 2008
- Improved Single Elimination Results Layout
- Custom Score Type enabled for LMS Tournaments

v1.2: 30 August 2008
- Added create thread on Tournament Creation
- Enabled Filtering of Tournaments By Status

v1.1: 29 August 2008
- Fixed $vbphrases bug
- Added Tournament Player Stats

v1.0: 28 August 2008
- Initial Release

Compatible with 3.6.x, 3.7.x, 3.8.x

Tournament Description:
Users or teams can join tournaments. Once full the tournament starts. In competitors progress through rounds of tournament with the number of rounds depending on the number of players in tournament which is set on tournament creation. also supported.
[&stc=1&d=1220111834 (Slightly outdated)]

Ladder Description:
Users or teams can also join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.

Feature List:
  • Tournament Features
    • Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
    • Permissions can be set per usergroup
      (AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
    • Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
    • Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
    • 2 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing and Single Elimination
    • Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
    • Tournament User Stats Page
    • 'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
  • Tournament options
    • Turn on/off tournament
    • Create Thread on Tournament Creation
    • Tournament Stats in Member Profile
    • Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
    • Comments per page
    • Tournament description length shown in tournament List
  • Tournament Display
    • LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
    • Tournament View Counter
    • Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
  • Tournament Moderators can...
    • Add/edit tournament (description uses vBulletin Editor)
    • Edit tournament type if not started yet
    • Add Score type (points, wins, kills, deaths, etc.) for LMS tournaments
    • Tournament mods can remove players if tournament hasn't started
    • Increase/ Decrease Tournament Slots
    • Pm all competitors with custom message and title (permissions set to bypass max pm recipients restrictions)
    • Add players (Ajax/Javascript userid fetch)
    • Swap players in LMS mode
    • Create/ edit/ delete announcements
  • Competitors can...
    • Players can remove themselves if tournament hasn't started
    • Users can PM themselves the details of the tournament
    • Sign up to tournament only once
  • Tournament Comments
    • Uses vBulletin Editor
    • Comment Display with user avatars and last edited by note
    • User able to edit/delete their own comment (subject to permissions)
    • Tournament moderators can edit all comments
    • If applicable under username on comments Tournament Creator, Tournament Competitor or Tournament Winner
    • Comment paging
  • Teams
    • Users can apply to teams
    • Leader can accept/ decline users
    • Team profile shows team stats
    • Team list
    • Can limit teams created by user (in usergroup options)
    • Fields: team website, gamertag, logo, description, slog, tags
  • Team leader can...
    • delete players from his/her team
    • Promote players in his/her team to Leader or Co-Leader
    • Join tournaments
  • Ladder Features
    • Elo rating system (Javascript Elo calculator @
    • Players last activity (date)
    • Winning/ Losing Streak
    • Longest Winning Streak
    • Admin can submit scores/ add challenges
    • Report/ dispute challenges
  • Ladder Display
    • leader-board for each ladder
    • last 10 upcoming/ past matches per ladder
    • separate page for accepting/rejecting challenges and submitting score (have to be accepted by other user)
  • Tournament Announcements
    • Tournament Moderators can create/edit announcements
    • Uses forum last visit for announcement read marking
    • Shows last user to edit announcement
  • Categories
    • Share categories for tournaments/ ladders
    • Category displays in navbar when viewing ladder/ tournament
  1. Follow instructions included in .zip
  2. If you are using v3.6.x you will need to &d=1221586519 and import it
    (It contains memberinfo css which is used in profile comments in v3.7.x and is in used in Tournaments Comments and Team Profiles)
  3. Click Install
Future Features:
  • Add more Different Tournament Types (Double Elimination and Round Robin)
  • Allowing a player to only join one team per ladder
  • Use 3.7/3.8 notification system
  • My Teams page
  • Easy way to Re-arrange users in tournament
  • Limit number of challenges per week/day
  • Ladder match finder
  • Custom message included in challenge pm sent to user
  • If you want to donate please click 'Support Developer'
  • German/ Deutsch
  • French/ française


File Type: %1$s vB_Tournaments+Ladders (71.8 KB, 2061 downloads)
File Type: %1$s (9.5 KB, 256 downloads)


Click image for larger version
Name:	createtournament.jpg
Views:	6453
Size:	78.0 KB
ID:	86191   Click image for larger version
Name:	jointournament.jpg
Views:	4337
Size:	89.2 KB
ID:	86192   Click image for larger version
Name:	tournamentpermissions.jpg
Views:	4477
Size:	123.5 KB
ID:	86194   Click image for larger version
Name:	exampletournament.jpg
Views:	12508
Size:	68.0 KB
ID:	86308  

Click image for larger version
Name:	tmnt_comments.jpg
Views:	5816
Size:	107.0 KB
ID:	86460   Click image for larger version
Name:	reprogressplayer.jpg
Views:	4858
Size:	67.4 KB
ID:	86848   Click image for larger version
Name:	teamviewleader.jpg
Views:	3996
Size:	76.8 KB
ID:	87206   Click image for larger version
Name:	teamlist.jpg
Views:	3724
Size:	43.1 KB
ID:	87207  

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