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Reputation Report
Mod Version: 1.3, by aggiefan

This modification is currently quarantined.
vB Version: 3.7.1 Rating: (2 votes - 4.50 average) Installs: 28
Released: 29 Jun 2008 Last Update: 29 Aug 2008 Downloads: 125
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Template Additional Files Re-usable Code Translations  

Reputation Report 1.1:

Users on my VBulletin board can see reputation received in their USERCP. However, we only limit the results to 10 for a "clean" look. Past the 10, the users can't see who gave them rep. I created this Reputation Report in order to show them who's given them reputation, how many times, and how much. It also displays who's given you negative rep and how many times.

  • Uses vBulletin easy Product installer/updater/uninstaller
  • User can see only their rep and what's been given to them -- nobody else's
  • Easy installation (2 steps)
  • Report is user customizable meaning...
  • User can choose to view positive or negative reputation received
  • User can limit the users displayed on their list - ALL, 25 or 50
  • User can see how much rep they received in their last x posts
  • Excludes Rep where the rep value was zero
  • Clicking on Rep Score will show you all rep given from that user that makes up that value. Includes Thread Title (with link to post), date, and comments.
  • Smilies and such format correctly on the comments
  • ADMINCP Templates are grouped in a template group called "REPUTATION REPORT"
  • Uses Plugins
  • Automatically inserts navbar link to "REPUTATION REPORT" under Quicklinks
  • Files edited: 0
  • Templates edited: 0
  • Files to upload: 2
  • Time to install: 1 minute max
  • Added plugin to show rep report in USERCP underneath rep display.
REV 1.2 (Jun 29, 2008):
  • Removed pop up window when clicking on individual score
  • Added option to filter by BOTH positive and negative rep
  • Individual rep screen now shows green/red bars (or however your rep system is) to indicate if the rep was positive or not.
REV 1.3 (August 28, 2008):
  • Included corrections/enhancements by eviltechie

    Spoiler (click to open)

    I like the idea of this mod. I was actually thinking I'd have to write it myself, but you saved me some work.

    That said, I did notice a few problems with it.

    1. The repreport.php file is missing quite a few instances of TABLE_PREFIX. This caused errors until I fixed them. I've attached a fixed version of the file with full TABLE_PREFIX'ing.

    2. The templates had some bugs. Missing closing </form> tags. Extra </table> closing tags. Line breaks in weird places, etc. Below are my modified case anyone needs them.

    PHP Code:
    html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
    no cache headers -->
    meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
    meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
    meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
    end no cache headers -->
    title><phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[x_powered_by_vbulletin]</phrase> - Reputation Report</title>
    <!-- main -->

    form name="vbform" action="repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=$mu">
    input type="hidden" value="rank" name="do" />
    input type="hidden" value="submit" name="action" />
    input type="hidden" value="$rbname="rb" />
    input type="hidden" value="$muname="mu" />

    table class='tborder' cellpadding='$stylevar[cellpadding]' cellspacing='$stylevar[cellspacing]' border='0' width='80%' align='center'>
    tr align='center'>
    td class='thead'><div class="smallfont"><b><center>RANKED BY</b></center></center></div></td>
    condition="$rb == ''">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=1&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center><b>Positive Rep</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$rb == '1'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=1&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center><b>Positive Rep</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$rb != ''">
    condition="$rb != '1'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=1&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center>Positive Rep</a></center></div></td></if></if>
    condition="$rb== '2'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=2&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center><b>Negative Rep</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$rb != '2'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=2&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center>Negative Rep</a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$rb== '3'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=3&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center><b>Both</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$rb != '3'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=3&mu=$mu&posts=$post><center>Both</a></center></div></td></if>

    tr align='center'>
    td class='thead'><div class="smallfont"><b><center>MAX USERS LISTED</b></center></center></div></td>
    condition="$mu == ''">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=1&posts=$post><center><b>All Users</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$mu == '1'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=1&posts=$post><center><b>All Users</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$mu != ''">
    condition="$mu != '1'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=1&posts=$post><center>All Users</a></center></div></td></if></if>
    condition="$mu == '2'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=2&posts=$post><center><b>25</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$mu != '2'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=2&posts=$post><center>25</a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$mu== '3'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=3&posts=$post><center><b>50</b></a></center></div></td></if>
    condition="$mu != '3'">
    td class='tcat'><div class="smallfont"><a href=repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=3&posts=$post><center>50</a></center></div></td></if>

    tr align='center'>
    td class='thead'><div class="smallfont"><b>TIME FRAME<b></div></td>
    td class='tcat' colspan='3'><div class="smallfont">View Rep from last&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="3" NAME="posts" value="$post>&nbsp;posts&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" class="button" /></div>

    br />

    table class='tborder' cellpadding='$stylevar[cellpadding]' cellspacing='$stylevar[cellspacing]' border='0' width='60%' align='center'>
    tr><td class='thead' colspan='4'><center><b>$yourname's Rep Report<b></center></td></tr>
    <tr><td class='
    thead'><center><b>Rank</b></center></td><td class='thead'><center><b>Username</b></center></td><td class='thead'><center><b>Rep Points</b></center></td><td class='thead'><center><b>Frequency</b></center></td></tr>
    <if condition="$repreport == ''">
    <if condition="$rb == '
    <tr><td class='
    alt1' colspan=4><center>You have no positive reputation</center></td></tr>
    <if condition="$rb == '
    <tr><td class='
    alt1' colspan=4><center>You have no negative reputation</center></td></tr>
    <if condition="$rb == '
    <tr><td class='
    alt1' colspan=4><center>You have received no reputation points</center></td></tr>
        <tr align="center">
        <td class="thead" colspan="4"><div class="smallfont"> © $copyrightyear <br/>Version $version</div></td>

    <!-- /main -->

    PHP Code:
    html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
    no cache headers -->
    meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
    meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
    meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
    end no cache headers -->
    title><phrase 1="$vboptions[bbtitle]">$vbphrase[x_powered_by_vbulletin]</phrase> - Reputation Report</title>
    <!-- main -->

    form name="vbform" action="repreport.php?do=rank&rb=$rb&mu=$mu">
    input type="hidden" value="rank" name="do" />
    input type="hidden" value="submit" name="action" />
    input type="hidden" value="$rbname="rb" />
    input type="hidden" value="$muname="mu" />

    table class='tborder' cellpadding='$stylevar[cellpadding]' cellspacing='$stylevar[cellspacing]' border='0' width='60%' align='center'>
    tr><td class='thead' colspan='4'><center><b>$yourname's Rep Received from $giver <b></center></td></tr>
    <tr><td class='
    thead'>&nbsp;</td><td class='thead' width=250><center><b>Date</b></center></td><td class='thead'><center><b>Thread Title</b></center></td><td class='thead' width=300><center><b>Comment</b></center></td></tr>
        <tr align="center">
        <td class="thead" colspan="4"><div class="smallfont"> © $copyrightyear <br/>Version $version</div></td>
    <!-- /main -->
    Attached Files
    File Type: php repreport.php (12.2 KB, 4 views)

I welcome suggestions for improving the product and will gladly integrate changes as needed. This has been tested and is working on my board of 1500+ registered users. Feedback about how it works on larger boards is welcome.

Please post your comments or suggestions for this product.
Please click if you installed this product. if you like it.

  • Picture 1 - Standard Rep Report with Filter at the top

  • Picture 2 - Negative Rep Report filtered by last 10 posts (showing message where there is no rep)

  • Picture 3 - Unfiltered Negative Rep showing it does work

  • Picture 4 - Clicked on Rep Points to see rep detail


No files for download.



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