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Display Options Above Threads - as seen on
Mod Version: 1.00, by kira

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.7.0 Rating: (17 votes - 4.94 average) Installs: 199
Released: 10 May 2008 Last Update: Never Downloads: 1285
Supported Template Edits Translations  

This template mod, updated from my 3.6.x version, will streamline and relocate the "Display Options" dropdown menus to the top of your threads list on forumdisplay, as seen here at in the modification areas.

As part of this move, we'll also change the look of the "Active Users"/Moderators panel remaining at the bottom of the page. ('Before' and 'after' screenshots are below.)

Note: In the 3.6.x version, there were two different versions of this mod -- the extra one being for those forums using the excellent Thread Prefixes mod by Mystics. Now that vB 3.7.0 has prefixes on its own, those extra set of instructions are no longer necessary.

Important: If you've installed or applied other mods that have altered the forumdisplay template, you may need to adjust the instructions accordingly.

I hope this mod is helpful! As always, many thanks to for the inspiration, not to mention years of providing an amazingly helpful community.


This modification is archived, downloads are still allowed.

File Type: %1$s displayoptions_to_top3.7_0.txt (12.0 KB, 1276 downloads)


Click image for larger version
Name:	displayoptions_off.jpg
Views:	4149
Size:	41.3 KB
ID:	80298   Click image for larger version
Name:	displayoptions_on.jpg
Views:	4441
Size:	44.5 KB
ID:	80299  

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