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AWCoding- Donation System
Mod Version: 0.2.1, by AWJunkies

This thread is in the Modification Graveyard.
vB Version: 3.6.x Rating: (1 vote - 5.00 average) Installs: 13
Released: 29 Apr 2008 Last Update: 03 May 2008 Downloads: 51
Not Supported DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Template Additional Files  

AWCoding- Donation System LITE
Version 0.2.1

Software Provided and coded by Adam Ellis (AWJunkies) of

Release version: 0.1.0
Release Date: 1st March 2008

Special Thanks:
I couldn't have done it without you, Thank you!
Adam Ellis (AWJunkies)

What Donation System LITE Is:
Donation System LITE process', monitors, records donation payments. Donation System LITE will allow site Admins full control over their donations, with the ability to track monthly or yearly goals and perform multiple searches from your admincp.

Donation System LITE is a complete system that controls donations and how they are received via backend interfacing between your vBulletin server and a payment method gateway server. The beauty of this marriage of servers is quite simply automation of the payment process as well as security of the transactions for both you, the administrator, and your users. With the Donation System LITE installed on your forums, you will be able to bring in that much needed income to not only keep your forums alive, but also to help defer costs of doing so to the users of your site without having to bug everyone and beg for money.

This seamless integration of any payment method as your backend payment processor not only provides your user with a well known and safe payment processors, but you are saved the hassle of opening a merchant account with your banking institution as well as saves you time in the process as it takes only a few short minutes to sign up with current allowed methods of payment if you are not already an account holder there. It also keeps your users and you the site owner informed on the status of payments with its notification system built in.

PayPal is only method for LITE

Easy to Transfer Payments From:
Cyb - PayPal Donate
PayPal Donations For vBulletin 3.5.0
This software in no way interferes in the other mods above so you can keep them installed and active while testing and merging over.

Donation System LITE Features:

Turn Donation System LITE ON or OFF
Select what user groups are "NOT" able to use system
Multiple Income Format (Selectable)
Can use any currency available for the payment methods (Paypal Only in LITE)
U.S. Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, Yen, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, Swiss Francs, Hong Kong Dollars, Singapore Dollars, Swedish Kronor, Danish Kroner, Polish Zloty, Norwegian Kroner, Hungarian Forint, Czech Koruna
Multiple Currency Symbol
Can use a currency symbol that matches your currency
$, €, £, ¥, CHF, HK$, kr, zl, Ft, Kc
Choose to Load payment method in new window or stay in current window to make a payment
Paypal Support
Able to support payments through Paypal
Paypal Sandbox Test Support
Able to test the Paypal Payments before going live
Can add Custom Paypal Header Image while making a payment
Customizable papal verify or free section to use for whatever you want

Notification System
Method to send notifications
PM Only
New Payment, Thanks

Search / Edit / Transfer Payments
Quick Search (All payments, All Unconfirmed payments)
Can view and edit a payment from search results
Can confirm a payment from search results
Can delete a payment from search results
Manual Add a Donation
Manually add a donation by just selecting userid or username then amount, fee, and date
Transfer Payments from another software or other versions

Donation Bar
Auto Insert Bar below Navbar/Header
Selectable to yes or no if no add the bar where you want
Donation Bar float not attached option
Donation Bar can be attached to a table below it or as a separate table all together
Donation Bar style Standard Only
Show Donation Bar on multiple pages including CMPS pages
Can select which pages to show the donation bar on
Selectable User groups able to view Donation Bar
Selectable Goal Cycle Time (Month, Year)
Selectable Goal Amount
Option to add vbulletin Subscription Totals to Goal Amount (VBulletin 3.6+)
Customizable Donation Bar Link (Can be default text link or custom)
Customizable Donation Bar Thank you Message
Customizable Donation Goal Purpose or what the donations are going towards

Auto Insert Link to donate in navbar/header
This will create a drop down menu for donating, donation list, donation stats, donation user stats if selected auto insert within there control panel sections
Selectable Allowed Donation Amounts (Suggested, Custom & Suggested, Custom)
Create own Suggested Donate Amounts
Customizable Type of benefits from donating section
Customizable papal verify or free section to use for whatever you want
Donation Group Change
Change donator to group Donator/VIP (You create and choose the group)
Select User groups NOT affected by group change

Donation List
Auto Insert Link to Donation List in navbar/header (Donation System Drop down list)
Select User groups able to view the donation list

AND so much more...

Version History:
Release version: 0.1.0
Release Date: 1st March 2008
Initial Release No Updates

Release version: 0.1.1
Release Date: 2nd March 2008
PRO FEATURE ADDED: You can now use any currency and any currency symbol that fits your needs for payment processing
MINOR FIX: Fixed issue with redirect link to paypal not working with people who had paypal verify blank or donation benefits blank (meaning not using one or the other or both).

Release version: 0.1.2
Release Date: 2nd March 2008
MAJOR FIX: The javascript function for the search/edit (Edit/Confirm/Delete/GO) was not being generated on certain peoples servers but all fixed now
MINOR FIX: Removed a file that was not supposed to be in the ZIP (file name: jsProgessBarHandler.js) Please delete this file as it may cause unexpected results
ADDED: Version check support and link back to Vbulletin product page

Release version: 0.1.3
Release Date: 6th March 2008
MAJOR FIX: On certain servers payment recording was not working. This was due to interferences with current MODs installed that attached them self to global scope without proper path procedure
MINOR FIX: Fixed the issue when you turned off auto insert for the navbar drop down and then were unable to use the variables set to use manually

Release version: 0.1.4
Release Date: 11th March 2008
PRO FEATURE ADDED: You now can use any language you would like
ADDED: The Avatars in Donation List now link back to the users Vbulletin Profile
MAJOR FIX: Template issues with Internet Explorer Browsers
MINOR FIX: Made all '' or "" or blank variables to null for update/insert into payments table to prevent some issues that some servers where having

Release version: 0.2.0
Release Date: 27th April 2008
PRO FEATURE ADDED: You now can see where the user is at in Online Location Details and Member Profile
PRO FEATURE ADDED: The language support system now uses Vbulletin internal system for easier changing of language or loading of multiple languages
CHANGED: Payment System LITE is now merged with Donation System LITE to make things a LOT easier for downloading and upgrading
CHANGED: Entire code to speed it up and slim it down
CHANGED: Donation Bar Style
REMOVED: All old files and restructured them and renamed them for new V2 system
NOTICE: There is seriously to much to post on what was changed this is a Major Update and all should switch to latest V2

Release version: 0.2.1
Release Date: 2nd May 2008
PRO FEATURE ADDED: You now can select whether to change/add a users usergroup/membership and whether to send a thank you for donation message when manually adding a donation
PRO FEATURE ADDED: You now can select donation bar goal to monthly OR yearly
CHANGED: Global software value from DS to DSL to prevent ANY conflict with PRO software
FIXED: Issue with manually confirming payments it was not changing usergroup or sending out thanks notifications
FIXED: Issue with previous V1 users upgrading to V2. I accidentally had the same group # in the XML for admin NAV which was causing the merger of V1 and V2 admincp dropdown
FIXED: Issue with transfer of donations I accidentally had PRO ds condition and not dsl LITE condition for transfer
FIXED: Missing a function within functions file
FIXED: Issue with search results text was not showing from correct numbers
FIXED: CMPS auto global variable add at install
FIXED: Missing phrases (example: minimum donation amount warning)

System Requirements
VBulletin 3.5.x+
PHP 4.3.x+

Final words
Please vote for this software to be MOD of the month by clicking the top right button. Thank you so much for downloading and supporting this software. I would like to HIGHLY recommend upgrading to PRO edition to have over 2x the features.

Some of those features include:
* User Stats page for users to monitor and keep track of their own donations and search through a monthly view
* Stats Page to monitor and keep track of all donations to better serve your community
* Able to use the enhanced donation bar system and even custom make your own
* Have a reminder to donate notification sent out on a set time period of your choice and which usergroup to recieve it
* Allow users to not disclose donation amount or donate anonymously
* Extra payment methods like google checkout
* Instant Payment Notification (IPN) System for Paypal
* Recurring Payment System
* Advanced search for payments system

And so much more to see the side by side comparison go

Much more to come in the future stay tuned for: Product System, Goal System, Awards System, and Subscription System

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this software, Please feel free to send feedback to
Thank you!
Adam Ellis (AWJunkies)

Copyright ©2008 by Adam Ellis (AWJunkies)


This modification cannot be downloaded.

Supporters / CoAuthors

  • sinisterpain




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