Enhanced "Location" and "Mobile" Fields in Profile
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************Visit http://tech6.com***************** Enhanced "Location" and "Mobile" Fields in Profile Difficulty: Very Easy Q. What does it do ?? A. Replaces Location Field in Member Profile with a Single Selection Menu with all the country names listed so as to encourage users to fill up the field. Also, adds up a Mobile Field of type Single Selection Menu with almost every Mobile Phone model listed. Q. Do I need this ?? A. You DEFINATELY should have a menu for Location field as it looks far better than a regular text field. Mobile field is yet up to you, but with this mobile selection menu, you're for sure going to attract your members. File Changes: 0 Template Edit: 1 if you wish to show these fields in postbit. 0 if you do not wish to show these fields in postbit. Begins here:- 1. Go to your AdminCP -> User Profile Fields -> User Profile Field Manager and simply delete the default Location Field. Do not worry, we really do not need this. 2. Now, Add New User Profile Field -> Single Selection Menu with following details:- Title: Location Description: Where you live Options: &stc=1&d=1206077187 (copy contents as it is) Set Default: NONE Display Order: Upto You (usually 1 or 2) Field Required: No Field Editable: Yes ..Leave rest as default 3. SAVE. 4. Again, Add New User Profile Field -> Single Selection Menu with following details:- Title: Phone Description: Which cell phone model you have Options: &stc=1&d=1206077243 (copy contents as it is) Set Default: NONE Display Order: Upto You Field Required: No Field Editable: Yes ..Leave rest as default 5. SAVE. 6. Now, if you wish to show these fields in postbit, go to postbit template, and make the following minor edits:- For COUNTRY:- Find:- Code:
<if condition="$post['joindate']"><div>$vbphrase[join_date]: $post[joindate]</div></if> Code:
<!-- Location Display --> <if condition="$post['fieldX']"><div>$vbphrase[location_perm]: $post[fieldX]</div></if> <!-- /Location Display --> For PHONE:- Paste the following lines of code below the above mentioned Location Display code:- Code:
<!-- Phone Display --> <if condition="$post['fieldX']"><div>Phone: $post[fieldX]</div></if> <!-- /Phone Display --> WAIT:- You must set fieldX to the actual field names for both Country and Mobile respectively. For this, go to User Profile Field Manager and notice the Name column. 7. DONE !!!!!! Now, just go to Edit Profile link on your Forum and you'll find PHONE and LOCATION fields under Additional Information. Fill them up -> Save Changes. Hope you liked my first mod, simple but useful. I am sure, you are definately going to use this.. Please click if you find it useful !! *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** Download
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