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Dynamic Joomla!VB wrapper
Mod Version: 1.00, by shadowraith

This modification is in the archives.
vB Version: 3.6.8 Rating: (4 votes - 5.00 average) Installs: 57
Released: 07 Mar 2008 Last Update: Never Downloads: 254
Not Supported Uses Plugins Re-usable Code Translations Is in Beta Stage  

NB: This add-on is not a single sign-on solution.

This add-on provides a means for dynamically wrapping your vbulletin in a Joomla! 1.0.15 portal implementation. This add-on does not touch the core files of either system and there is no requirement to do anything on the Joomla! side unless you've created wrappers for several templates and want to switch between those templates. At which point, you'll simply switch your Joomla! templates via in the Joomla! template manager. And finally, this add-on assumes that your forum is located directly below your joomla implementation directory and is sharing its database. The following instructions include example code snippets to (hopefully) assist in making this add-on proceed as smoothly as possible.
Before attempting to install this add-on, disable your forum and back up your database!!!. This is to ensure you have a working copy in case you run into problems.

If you install this PLEASE

Step 1: Create a subdirectory in your current template directory (both locally and on your target site) called, vbulletin. For example, if you're using one of the default templates for Joomla! 1.0.15... say... madeyourweb, you would create your vbulletin directory as follows:
Step 2: Create three files (head.php, header.php, & footer.php). These will contain content from your index.php file in your selected template directory. So, if you are using the default (madeyourweb), you would use the index.php file in that directory to create the three vbulletin wrapper files. These files should be formatted as follows:
This file is for your joomla template content between the <head> [...] </head> tags. This is also where you initialize theme variables and add any include statements, for example, from a Rocket Theme ...

<!-- Begin Joomla Head Wrapper -->
	$default_style = "style3";			//[style1... style10]
	$enable_rokzoom = "true";			  // true | false
	$template_width = "fluid";			// width in px | fluid
	$sidebar_width = "25%";					// width in px or %
	$sidebar_side = "right";				// left | right
	$menu_name = "mainmenu";				// mainmenu by default, can be any Joomla menu name
	$menu_type = "moomenu";					// moomenu | suckerfish | splitmenu | module
	$default_font = "default";      // smaller | default | larger
	$show_pathway = "true";					// true | false
	require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/templates/" . $mainframe->getTemplate() . "/rt_styleloader.php");
  $myjoomlacontent   = array();
	$myjooomlacontent[] = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; '._ISO.'" />';
	$myjooomlacontent[] = '<link href="'.$mosConfig_live_site.'/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
	$myjooomlacontent[] = '<link href="'.$mosConfig_live_site.'/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/css/'.$tstyle.'.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
  echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );
<!-- End Joomla Head Wrapper -->

This file is for your joomla template content between the <body> tag and the php mosMainbody function call.

<!-- Begin Joomla Header Wrapper -->
  $myjoomlacontent   = array();
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '<div id="outer-800" >';
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '<div id="pathway">';
  echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );
  $myjoomlacontent   = array();
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '</div>';
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '<div id="leftcol">';
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '<a name="menu"></a>';
	if (mosCountModules( "left" )) {
	  echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );
		mosLoadModules ( 'left',-3);
	  $myjoomlacontent   = array();
  $myjoomlacontent[] = '</div>';
  echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );
<!-- End Joomla Header Wrapper -->

This file is for your joomla template content between the php mosMainbody function call and the </body> tag.

<!-- Begin Joomla Footer Wrapper -->
		<div class="clr"></div>
<!-- End Joomla Footer Wrapper -->
Step 3: Upload your files to the new vbulletin directory that you just created

Step 4: Download the attached product-joomla-vb.xml project-addon and change:
  • joomla-menu-id-for-your-forum => Joomla! menu id for your forum (you can find this under Itemid in your Joomla! control panel menu manager)

  • your-joomla-path-goes-here => absolute path to your Joomla! installation

  • Select Plugins & Products => Manage Products and click on the "Add/Import Product" link. And select the above xml from where ever you have stored it locally. This will install your product as well as your supporting plugin.

  • Select Plugins & Products => Plugin Manager and select Include the Joomla!VB template wrappers, then click save, to ensure the plugin refreshes.

  • Select vBulletin Options and scroll down to the end of the list. There should be a "Dynamic Joomla Options" in the list. Select that, and verify that your path and your joomla menu id are set correctly. If not, change them to the correct settings and click save.

  • Select Styles & Templates => Style Manager and create a brand new style with default (or a style you already have in place) as the parent style.
    NB: The above intermediate step provides a means to play around with a test template without trashing your existing template. And, it also makes it easier to sandbox without having to restore your database.
  • Select Common Templates from your dropdown menu of the style you just created.

    Common templates has three templates. These are header, headinclude, and footer.

    • Insert $myjoomladhead at the end of the headinclude template
    • Insert $myjoomladheader at the end of header template
    • Insert $myjoomladfooter at the end of footer template
    • Click save.

  • Click on your new style, which will launch your forum with the Dynamic Joomla!VB wrapper.

Demo: (click on forum to see the seamless integration between the portal and vbulletin)

Notes, debugging, etcetera:
  • All php function calls, such as mosLoadModules should be made in the order they appear in your template. For example:
      $myjoomlacontent   = array();
      $myjoomlacontent[] = '              <div id="horiz-menu" class="'.$mtype.'">';
      echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );
      $myjoomlacontent   = array();
      $myjoomlacontent[] = '                <div class="clr"></div>';
      echo implode( "\n", $myjoomlacontent );

  • vBulletin seems to have problems parsing the raw Joomla! html w/embedded php. Hence the reason to use the $myjoomlacontent buffer variable, which you must dump ala the echo/implode when needing to make a function call that echoes the results as opposed to returning a string.

  • If you do not have embedded php code, you can simply include the raw code as reflected in the above footer.php example. Or, if you're a brave soul and have some time just import your raw templates and bypass the $myjoomlacontent buffer altogether. Good luck on this latter and if you figure out what the kink is, please let me know.

  • As far as debugging goes? Hopefully you have access to your php error log or you're displaying your php errors/warnings to the screen. This makes debuging much easier.

    The most common errors you can encounter when attempting this type of implementation are leaving off ending quotes, or using a semiquote on html code that already contain a semi quote. My general rule of thumb, if the html code is using quotes, then I use semi quotes to load the string into $myjoomlacontent buffer. Likewise, if it is using semi quotes, I use quotes.

    Other errors may be missing variables. I'm using the Rocket Theme templating system therefore my head.php contains the Rocket Theme includes.

As for swithching themes? You will need to create a vbulletin directory under each template directory you may wish to use. Then, create the three aforementioned files (head.php, header.php, footer.php) and upload them to their respective template directory. At which point, it is a matter of using your joomla control panel to switch between templates.
Excellent/Important user feedback/tips

Quote by Tiedgen
1.) I noticed on your site that when you go from your main page to your
vbulletin page, the navbar font is a different size and/or style. --- I
found a fix for this and the answer lies in the style manager in the VB
admincp. Edit your desired VB style and scroll down the CSS style boxes
until you come to <td>, <th>, <p>, <li>. This is where the problem lies.
Apparantly, implementing the joomla code (which includes the CSS code) is
screwing with the vb css code. The solution was simple; I just edited the
font size and font family under <td>, <th>, <p>, <li>. In my case, I
changed the font size to 9pt and re-arranged the first font style: verdana.
Once I changed these variables, the header and navbar text was identical to
the rest of the board.. No more little annoyance.. :-)

2.) And lastly, this deals more with the rockettheme template code. I
noticed that I couldn't get my board to center correctly in the main
content wrapper; it was a few pixels to the right. (I know.. petty stuff..)
To remedy this I deleted the last dozen or so lines of code from my
header.php file; the code dealing with the right or left nav section (in my
case, the right nav section) If you would like the specific code, don't
hesitate to ask. Your firenze template coding should be nearly identical to
my elemental template from
Quote by cheesegrits
One fairly important change though, for anyone even vaguely concerned about server load, you should probably wrap this around the plugin code:

PHP Code:
if (THIS_SCRIPT != 'cron')
blah blah

Otherwise you are loading the whole of Joomla twice on every page load, and it obviously doesn't need to happen the second time, just for the cron jobs.
I will happily answer questions that are not addressed in the above instructions. Feedback is also welcomed.
Please do not ask me to write and/or debug your php code! So far, all of the questions I have received are from people who (a) did not even bother to read the detailed instructions that I provided above, and/ or (b) haven't clue one wrt writing php code, much less debugging it.

While I have no problem supporting this product, I do not have time to teach people how to write and debug their own code. Esp considering that the errors encountered thus far could have been easily avoided by reading the instructions!

If you install this PLEASE


This modification is archived, downloads are still allowed.

File Type: %1$s product-joomla-vb.xml (2.7 KB, 240 downloads) supports vBulletin®, 2022-2024